"It's hard to say either way. We'll have to see how the locals feel about it first."

"Actually, my regional social media analysis shows the locals are really excited about your visit! Your popularity is extremely high with the preteen and young adult demographics; that's also why the demand for your overseas merchandise is so high in Japan! Uh- if that helps!"

Doublecross smiled in amusement, head tilted to one side. "You work too hard, you know that?"

"Not at all! Just doing what I should!"

"Mhm, sure. When we get back, maybe consider taking some time off. I know it's been a while since you've had a vacation."

"Oh, I don't think I could-"

"Well would you look at that. Seems like we're about to land," Doublecross hummed at the slight jostle of the plane tilting, eyes cast out the window at the approaching cityscape, "And right on time too."


"Let me know how your work goes. Just call me if you need anything."

"Are you sure you don't want help carrying those down?"

"I'm good, but thanks."

"Just please try not to draw too much attention! And make sure to ignore any press if they spot you! And please be back before dark!"

"Yep, you got it!" Doublecross half-waved as she slipped out of the hotel room, the heavy door falling closed behind her. She shifted the gift bags she held to one arm, called the elevator, and after a moment, stepped into the ornate lobby before making her way out through the main doors.

The spring air was warm, the sun shining bright overhead as the streets bustled with afternoon noise. The pastel city greenery was dotted with brilliant pinks and yellows of new blossoms, their colors swaying lightly in the pleasant breeze.

Stepping into a small black car idling outside the building, Doublecross greeted the driver as she set the bags down. She closed the door, and in a moment, they were zipping through the once-familiar city streets.


"Right here is fine," she called to the driver, the car rolling to a stop in front of a small apartment building, "I'll call you when I'm done. You can go back to the hotel in case Lillian needs anything." And with a quick thanks, re-gathering the cluster of bags beside her, she ducked out of the car, stepping onto the overgrown sidewalk.

This part of the city was unfamiliar; she didn't think she had ever been here before, though perhaps she wouldn't have remembered even if she had. It was a ways from the city center, a bit quieter with a number of nondescript buildings clustered together in the space of a few blocks. The one in front of her was a simple gray building with two floors, small balconies spaced evenly along its face. Her eyes scanned over the number plates beside each door, then shifted down to her phone, then back up, before approaching one of the many sparsely-decorated doorways. After a brief pause, glancing down at herself for just a moment, she raised a hand to the light green door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

The door rattled for a split second before it swung open.

"Unknown!" Traceback squeaked, throwing her arms around the girl and squeezing as if her life depended on it, "You're really here!"

"Hey," she smiled, returning the hug. "It's been a while."

"It's been forever!"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little-miss-big-shot. What's a beloved hero like you doing all the long way out here?"

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