Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom

Start from the beginning

"Isn't this exciting? We're gonna be moving in with Ink and Ms. Comyet!"
Error exclaimed and Fresh just gave a thumbs up.
"At least pretend to be excited." "Yay." "I swear Fresh."
Error simply sighed and Fresh just shrugged. 
"Sorry broski." "S'whatever." Error waved his hand a bit.

Geno was definitely excited. ,,It is exciting!"
He cheered and jumped happily around, ah yes, Beachball-Geno time.
,,It will be lots of fun and we can be together with Ink and play with him all the time!" He cheered and giggled.

"Eh, not looking for that. Privacy won't exist anymore."
Error scoffed lightly, truth be told, he's also excited about that...
'Shut up Nighty you didn't hear anything.'
,,Awww that's not a nice attitude of you, Mister." Nightmare said and chuckled.
,,But seems like your Mama is not the only tsundere here~"

'I am not a tsundere!' Error blinked. 'Was I being too mean again though? M'sorry...'
Error then stuffed the last of his item into his bag after the apology.
,,What? Error, you weren't being mean. I was just teasing you-" Nightmare said and huffed.
'Oh... Sorry, I still can't tell the difference...' Error sheepishly said, looking up and watching Comyet enter the room.

"Hey, are you boys finished packing?" Comyet smiled gently.
"Yep." "Yes, Ms. Comyet." Error and Fresh replied respectively, Error doing so with a hum.
,,It's okay, Error." Nightmare hummed.
,,Yup! We're finished!" Geno cheered excitedly. He was still jumping around energetically.

"Alright, I'll meet you kids at the bottom, alright? Asy should be coming in with his van soon."
Comyet hummed, no it was not a white van with candies unfortunately.

,,Okay, Ms. Comyet!" Geno cheered and smiled at the mother of Ink.
He giggled slightly and grinned at his brothers.
Comyet nodded and then left to go and check for anything else.
"Alright, we should go." Error hummed and Fresh nodded and begins to walk out, grabbing a hold of Geno's sleeve.
"Ey, you're not supposed to carry anything heavy you dork." Error grumbled childishly and grabbed Fresh's bag and blinked.
"Why is this light?" "I only put my blanket, clothes and dah furby broski."
Fresh replied and Error slowly nodded.

Geno was still excitedly jumping up and down.
,,How do you think do Ms. Comyet and Ink live? Oh! Do you think they have a garden?"
Geno rambled excitedly, grinning happily.
"Probably honestly." Fresh commented and Error then grinned lightly.
"Definitely!" Error chirped. "Their house is huuuge!"
Error then stretched his arms for emphasis and Fresh tilted his skull.
"Forgot you went there honestly."

The child nodded and grinned. ,,That sounds great!"
He cheered and giggled, patting Fresh lightly, before leaning against him, still jumping, as Fresh was the nearest.
Fresh then ducked a bit. "Broski calm down." Fresh then began to walk outside.
"Alright, come on." Error then looked around for the last time before following Fresh and Geno out.

Geno giggled slightly. ,,I can't calm down! Way to excited!"
He cheered then in a way to happy tone, still jumping up and down.
"Geno please." Error couldn't help but softly giggle a bit as he followed Geno and Fresh out the room, and then adjusting the two bags he's holding.
"Y'know broski, if you're having trouble, I can just hold it for you-"
"Shut the hecc up. I don't want help." "'Kay, whatever you say."
Fresh shrugged as he then lets go of Geno, but stayed nearby just incase.

Geno giggled and looked at Fresh, before looking to Error. ,,Fresh is right, though!"
He said and grinned, still being Beachball-Geno. ,,We can help!"
,,You three! Can you come down? We're going soon!" CQ called from downstairs.
Geno giggled excitedly. ,,Okay, Mama! Ohhh, This is exciting!"
He cheered  and threw his arms up into the air, making him take a few steps back.
"Oomph-" Fresh then stumbled back a bit before he could feel his eyesockets widen a bit behind his shades, having lost his footing and feeling nothing but air.
His balance losing itself as he lets out a yelp once he began to fall.

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