Gajevy Week -- Day 2: Whisper

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Sorry if there are some mistakes in my english, I'm a French writer ~ 


What if we learnt the pregnancy of Levy not from the point of view of Lucy but directly from our lovebirds' point of view? It would be interesting, right?

Most of the adventures of the members of Fairy Tail were now over, and that night was a special night: party time! Lucy had moroever won a litterary price! Everyone was happy, everyone celebrated the moment, and Lucy was going among all of her friends to thank them one by one.

Well... It was true she heard some... Disturbing things sometimes. So did Wendy, but the little girl always went all flustered because of what she heard... It is true that it was not really... Anyway they both prefered to ignore all of this. It was better for their mental health wasn't it?

After she had talked with Lili for some minutes; Lucy turned around and came to greet Gajeel.

"Oy Gajeel !"

"Oh, Lucy! Congratulations for your price!" The iron dragon slayer smiled as Lucy answered with a little laugh.

"Thank you so much! Soo are you having fun there?" She teased him a little.

"Gehee, yeah! There's plenty of iron! And a lot of people! And that's nice, yeah, gotta admit it." He said while eating a piece of iron.

"Oyy! Gajeel!! Lulu-chan!!" Suddenly screamed a little voice. Lucy let out a gasp and ran into the little girl's arms.

"Levy-chaaan!" She laughed as she strongly hugged her best friend. Levy almost suffocated.

"Lu-chan... I can't breathe...." She tried to say. Once again, the blonde-hair girl laughed and moved back. The small blue-haired girl gently put her hands on her belly, softly smiling to Lucy. The blonde frowned. Why did she do that? Was she hurt?

It was the turn of Gajeel to come over. He gently smiled at Levy as she went towards him. Lucy could see that Levy gave Gajeel a worry glance. He frowned, too.

"Gajeel, I have to talk to you about something."

"Ehh... Yeah, okay..."

Lucy did not understand what was going on, but the only thing she saw was Levy taking Gajeel's hand, giving her a soft smile, and leaving with a Gajeel who did not know what was happening either. Lili came next to the blonde girl and raised his eyebrows.

"Em... What just happened...?"

"Don't ask me Lili I don't know either...."

When they finally were in a place where Levy knew they would be alone and in peace, she let out a loud sigh.

"Levy... What's happening?" Said Gajeel, very worried about what she wanted to tell him.

At first, her body started to shake. What if he didn't want it? What if he said no? What if he let her behind because of that?? Tears were now coming down her cheeks... And the mighty Gajeel widely opened in eyes in worry. He grabbed her hands and put his face in front of hers. He did not say anything; he just gently looked at her to tell her "It's okay, take your time". Levy appreciated it so much. Even more, she loved that iron jerk so much, even if... Yeah, even if he was a jerk. He could be mean and frightening sometimes, but he also knew how to be kind and gentle. That was why she loved him so much. He teased her, but always protected her and took care of her... Well, he would have to take care of them, now.

"...." She whispered something Gajeel could not hear. He frowned.

"Levy... I did not hear what you said..." He gently said with a small but adorable smile on his face. Her heart immediatly melted. He was so handsome...

She blushed.

No, Levy, that was not the moment to think about that sort of things.

She sighed, again, and looked down. She couldn't say it. She couldn't say this. It was too hard. With that thought, she started to cry silently.

"Oy... My shorty...." Gajeel softly said, putting one of his hand on her cheek while the other grabbed her hand.

"I can't..." She mumbled. "I can't say it..." 

"Stop panicking shrimp... It's okay..."

He gently rolled his arms around her to hug her tight. She let herself cry louder and louder as she snuggled into his arms and grabbed his t-shirt with her little hands.

Gajeel let her cry for some minutes, stroking her hair, telling her everything was okay. And, finally...

"I'm pregnant..."

He heard it. That little whisper which met his ears like a beautiful melody. Not like the one he did himself, no, but like a soft piano melody you could listen to fall alseep, or with which you got emotional. And it was happening to the mighty Gajeel. He was getting emotional.

"You... are..." He just mumbled, lowering his eyes to look at her beautiful and sweet face.

He was going to be a Dad.

Him, Gajeel Redfox, was going to be a father.

Tears of joy came down his cheeks as he lifted his girlfriend up to the sky.

"I'm going to be a Dad!!!!" He joyfully said.

Levy could not believe what she saw or what she heard. He was... Happy? He was happy!

"Yeah..." She whispered, letting out a little sob. "Yes you are Gaj'...."

"I can't believe it!!!" He hugged her very tight and  kissed her with all the kindness he had. "I love you shrimp... I love you so much, you're going to be a beautiful mother..."

She blushed a little and smiled at him.

"You too my love..."

""My love"?? Ooh it's not like you to be that romantic shorty..." He gently laughed. Levy blushed but laughed too.

"Yeah, stop teasing me..." She pouted. Then, once again, she softly smiled at him. "... But... It's just that... I love you too Gaj'... You're everything to me..."

"You are too, shorty... I can't wait to take care of you and our baby."

She looked at him and whispered a "thank you Gaj'..." before hugging him again.

They were going to be parents. Beautiful parents.

And as for Lili; they were sure he was going to be a beautiful big brother.

All of this was just the beginning of a beautiful melody going up to the sky... And that was it. It was the melody of their family growing up.

It was the soft sound of their love, resonating in the sky like a hum, and then fading away in a soft but eternal whisper...

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