I need a new master

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After the bird eye test drona understood , which weapon was suited for every prince and he started training them in martial arts and weapons , they were good at.

Dronacharya : So students , from last three month you all have been training really hard and trying to master your skills , and now I will tell you all about something , which can amplify your power. I will teach you about energies , there are two types of energies "cursed energy" and "life energy" , cursed energy is made out from the negative emotions and aspects of your own life.

Arjuna : so life energy is made from positive emotions , master ?

Drona : Exactly , that is why mostly cursed energy is used by asuras and rakshas and life energy is used by humans and devas. But that doesn't mean that humans can't use cursed energy and vice versa. It depends on the person and his emotions.

Karna : I have a question!

Drona : ask your doubt.

Karna : but how can cursed energy and life energy help us or amplify our power and skills.

Drona : Well it won't increase your skills but it surely can increase your strength.

Arjuna : How ?

Drona : Let me demonstrate for all of you.

Saying so he covered his hands in life energy.

And the punched a huge rock boulder near him and turned it into bits and pebbles

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And the punched a huge rock boulder near him and turned it into bits and pebbles.

Drona : This is how you use energies to increase your own strength , if I had just used my bare fist to punch the boulder , my hand would have been a complete mess. I imbedded my hand with life energy. You all also with a "lot" of training and hardwork can achieve it. And you can imbed your weapons with energies.

Karna : And how can we imbed our energies in our weapons.

Drona : Use your emotions as I said , don't show your emotions at the wrong moment. For example : if you are angry store your that in yourself , don't let it out. And when it is the right time use it in a battle.

Bheema : But how can we possibly store our emotions in ourselves ?

Drona : Do penance , hard penance to gain control over your mind.

Arjuna : Excuse me master but penance are done to gain celestial weapons , right ?

Drona : No my son "celestial weapons" are nothing but just energies also , energies of the gods who made them like Pashupatastra is pure wrath of Shiva , Bhramastra and it's two different variations are anger of Brahma and Narayanastra is the rage of Vishnu. Through penance one person just proves that he or she is worthy and capable enough to wield the cursed and life energy of Gods , do you get it now. So anyone any other question.

Karna raises his hand : I have a doubt regarding domain expansion.

Drona was a bit taken aback by discovering that karna knows about something as dangerous as domain expansion.

Drona : "Domain expansion" is a technique in which cursed or life energy of a warrior is used to it's limit to make a world of itself , ones own dimension. A domain expansion takes a lot of effort and time to master. When not completely mastered , no one should try to use domain expansion because if he doesn't know how much amount of energy is needed to be put , the wrong amount of energy can even take your life.

After a silence among the princes , he understood there wasn't anyother doubt and from that day their training in energies and mystic arts also began.

Three months later

Till now aswathama was the one who was in lead because his training was started much before pandavas and kauravas as he was the son of dronacharya.

But karna was also not ready to be second in line , he was also constantly training and meditating followed by arjuna , then yudishthira , sahdev and then vikarn for the rest of kuru princes meditating was not their cup of tea.

Days were passing smoothly drona was impressed with duryodhan's skill in mace fighting and he was a bit worried about bheema because he just used his brute strength in duels. So he wanted him to focus on perfecting his skills. He was also impressed with karna and arjuna's skill of fast learning.

Just one fine day , when Karna and aswathama were in deep forest , a little bit far from the place they all were living in , for collecting some woods for fire.

Everyone was busy in their activities , that time drona was taking his bath in a pond , during that he wasn't much aware of his surrounding , when a crocodile was nearing him with an intention to kill. But Arjuna saved him and killed the crocodile , this pleased drona and made arjuna his favorite student.

And he started to teach him all his own secret weapons and techniques. He in his heart wanted Arjuna to be the greatest archer ever and even surpass his eldest brother.

Duryodhan and all others were able to see this partiality clearly and duryodhan used this as an opportunity to create friction between the brothers and manipulate Karna against arjuna as suggested by his uncle in a note , he left for him while leaving hastinapur.

A midst all of this the incident of eklavya a boy from a lower class than the royalty , asks for drona to be his teacher also and teach him and drona asks eklavya to give his right thumb as guru dakshina purposely because he knew that his father was from the army of magadha and he will use his knowledge against kurus. But to his surprise eklavya happily gives his thumb because was not there for any treachery.

Dronacharya was robbed of his pride in himself and his being one of the greatest teachers. He was angered with himself and didn't wanted to see his own face again ever. This incident even angered karna and he even questions his guru's ways and , in anger he even asks that if even after sharing his secret weapons , arts , techniques and formations if arjuna is not able to surpass him , will you even ask me for my thumb.

Seeing his brother depressed and angered Arjuna asks him a couple of questions to clear some doubts of his own.

Arjuna : Brother , I know the thing which happened was not right it can't be called right in the very least. But what you asked master out of all things was just "that" ? Are you unhappy with master favouring me ? Are you unhappy with me!

Karna : you think so , look you are my younger brother and I love you ! I can never hate you or even try to despise you , you are the most precious to me. If you want to surpass me , keep trying and surely one day you will and I will be the one to be most happy for you more than yourself or anyone . I will always give my shoulder as a stepping ladder for you to achieve new heights. But the things have gone towards a place from where it possibly can't return. Master is not my master any more , I can't really even try to think for a second to learn anything from him , now I need a new master.

Hey everyone that is it for now see you all soon.

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