2 [Sibling Rivalry(?)]

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"I hear that Nevaeh gave Edmund quite the bashing this afternoon. What exactly happened?"

"From what I hear Lord Edmund chose his wording rather poorly around Lady Calliope, lead to her going into one of her worrying states, My Lord."

"Curses from the Maiden, I swear it. I'll have to talk with the both of them tonight after dinner."

Lord Ambrose Vichade, most properly Lord Lostela, could only suppress his exasperation with his two eldest children as he traveled through the halls of Terheller Manor to his office. He had just returned from visiting the town of Herstenta in order to sort out some land and domestic disputes that had occurred. His valet, Feren, followed behind with his suit jacket under arm and sharp chin pointing parallel to the ground with silent steps.

"What else have I missed while I was out, Feren?"

"Lady Calliope played her debut sonata for Lady Lostela and the twins. One of her best performances yet, they say."

"She's playing Minka's crolte sonata, 'Folly', was it?"

"Yes. The Dowager Countess sent it last year and Lady Calliope became quite fond of the piece."

"It was mother's handiwork then. She always knows the sort of things that Calliope will enjoy. Is everything prepared for her arrival then?"

"Quite so. Mrs Belton should be reporting to Lady Lostela on the matter within the hour."


With a sigh, the man sat himself in his office chair and massaged his temple. The house had become particularly busy as of late with, well, quite a lot. Calliope's eighteenth birthday had taken place barely a month ago and with that came the preparations to society in the swiftly approaching spring and summer season in Emmal, which in and of itself was an ordeal. Letters to be sent to family, friends of family, family of friends, business partners, acquaintances, people one wishes to become acquainted with.

It was a surprise that his nor his wife's hands hadn't taken for the hills at the prospect.

There was also gifts, clothing arrangements, and an assortment of other things that had Ambrose's head spinning at the mere mention. He hadn't been this stressed since Nevaeh's own debut which was only two years earlier. At no fault of her own, obviously. It wasn't her fault that she and himself had been born introverts in a family of notable extroverts without end to their socializing when they had the chance.

But papa didn't have the option to stay at home and avoid the world, okay? He had to socialize everyday even when it wasn't the season.

Lord Lostela decided to cry without tears as he resumed his endless letter writing.

Dinner was usually the only time of the day at which you could find the entirety of House Vichade in one place at the same time, all six of its most immediate members gathered to enjoy a meal and share anecdotes of the day between each other. At the head of the table sat Ambrose, dressed down for the casual occasion with his wife and lady of the house, Renei, to his left, and Edmund to his right sat next to his second son, Victor. Further to the right of Renei were their three daughters, Nevaeh, Calliope, and the youngest, Veda.

"I hear Nevaeh and Edmund got into another one of their roughhousing matches?"

At their father's words, both Nevaeh and Edmund exchanged glances between each other grey clashing with blue for a short moment before Edmund was the first to speak in reply.

"It was just one of our usual tussles, Father. Nothing that couldn't be dealt with between the two of us." Edmund laughed, pushing his black hair out of his face as was habit with how the strands seemed to never wish to stay in a single place.

Nevaeh followed up with a smile. "Yes, Father. It was just the two of us having a bit of sibling fun, you know. Just like when we were young."

"Ah, so have you apologized to each other yet?"

The question sent both of the sibling's eyes twitching and a knife scraping against their plate as they observed each other with rapidly tightening smiles. Calliope wisely decided that she had no say in the matter and dedicated her attention to talking quietly with Veda who was watching the daily dosage of drama with wide eyes and a mouthful of potatoes. Victor took the opportunity to shuffle his unwanted vegetables onto Edmund's plate. Renei let out a sigh.

"Ambrose, I'm sure that-"

"I simply asked a question, dear. The answer is a yes or a no."


"A truthful yes or no."

Nevaeh played with the pearl bracelet on her wrist rather silently before shaking her head. "No, I haven't apologized to Edmund yet."

Ambrose nodded and turned to look at Edmund who similarly shook his head. "No, Father. I haven't apologized to Nevaeh or Calliope."

"Then I hope you'll both have that sorted out after dinner, hm?"

"Yes, Father."

"... Yes, Father."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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