Chapter 5. Clinic

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Today Chi is going to the Clinic with her mother to get her booster shot which is needed before Chi can start daycare. Of course since it's a needle Chi is everything but happy about it. Let's see how she deals with her situation.


"Chi are you ready yet?"

Chi: I can't find my shoes, oh well I guess that means I can't go .

"Hmm are you sure? Did you check your closet well?"

Chi: I did.

"That's weird since you have more than one pair of shoes that you can wear. Maybe someone stole them."

Chi: that's bad. Stealing isn't a good thing.

"I can think of another thing that's bad."

Chi: *gulp* what is that?

"Are you sure you want me to say?"

Chi: Oh wait mommy I think I found a pair of shoes that I can wear.

"That's great. *chuckles* Alright then let's go."

Mrs Nishikata reaches out for Chi's hand and they begin to walk to the clinic. It isn't a far walk so they won't have to worry about getting sweaty or tired before they can arrive to the clinic. And after a few minutes of walking they finally arrive.

Assistant: Hmm? Oh Mrs Nishikata it's you. Good morning and Good morning to you as well Chi.

Chi: Good morning.

"Good morning, is Chi's doctor in as of yet?"

Assistant: I'm afraid not yet but she should be here in maybe another 10 minutes or so. You can wait in the waiting room until then though.

"Right thank you. Come on Chi let's grab a seat."

Chi: Okay.

As the two sit dow, Chi takes a look at the television and notices a commercial about puppies being adopted.

Chi: Mommy mommy can we have a puppy?

"Hmm? You want a puppy?"

Chi: Yes look their adolpted on the tv

"You mean adopted. Hmm well I'm not sure we'd have to ask your father but I'm not sure how he'd feel about it."

Chi: Does daddy hate puppies?

"No not at all but when we were kids something really sad happened to the puppy your father got and it was really sad for the both of us."

Chi: Did daddy cry?

"He sure did and so did I. It was really hard to think about."

Chi: did Daddy give it away? What was its name?

"The puppy's name was Rocket also your father didn't give it away, it went to doggy heaven. When we were kids it suddenly got sick. The vet told us that it was a condition that it got from its mother and there was nothing we could do about it but we did give Rocket a great life."

Chi: oh that's so sad.

"Don't get sad about it Chi. I'm sure you would have loved Rocket. He was really playful. Hmm how about we wait for a good time to talk about it to your father. If we were to sudden he might not take it too well. Of course your father got over the death but still let's just wait for a bit."

Chi: Ok mommy.

Assistant: Chi Nishikata it's your turn.

"Oh your time came quickly, come on Chi."

Teasing NishikatasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon