Part fourteen🌹

Start from the beginning

I winnowed off into Adriata, as I strolled down the street. I wanted to get them something perfect.

"Hello, Eris."

I sighed, as I saw Tarquin grinning at me.

I went to spit out something sarcastic, but then I remembered what Thalia said... Start small.

"Tarquin, I came to find gifts for my mate and mother."

A surprised look crossed his face, "I know just the place. I find it's always best to woo females with jewelry... but Thalia enjoys crystals." He led me into a stunning crystal shop and I looked around in awe.

"My mate is unique. It's one of the many things I love about her." I murmured, browsing along.

"How are things with you and her? You're a very lucky male." Tarquin said, waving at someone.

"I don't even know how I managed to get someone like her."

Shock graced my face. I've never spoken like that to anyone except Arion.

I froze, as Tarquin gave me a warm look. He leaned forward and spoke quietly. "I knew there had to be a reason she loves you."

He straightened and continued browsing. I felt a small smile tug at my lips.

"Arion constantly talks up your pleasure barg." I said idly.

Tarquin smirked, "You should come, Thalia would love it. There's all sorts of hidden places to be... Intimate."

"Pleasure barg, indeed." I murmured.

Tarquin chuckled, "You're a fascination... tell  me, has Thalia told you about her Illyrian side yet?"

"She has, she doesn't seem to like it." I replied.

"I've been to Velaris a few times to visit, that poor girl was barely allowed to see me. But... I do know how to sneak around and enjoy someone's company. She and I talked for hours about lesser fairies. To be honest, it's a shame she doesn't have a handle on her magic. It's there, I can sense it." Tarquin spoke, as he said hello to the people in the shop.

I sighed. "If I tell you something, don't go thinking we're friends. I have a reputation to uphold."

Tarquin's eyes twinkled, "You having friends? A thought never occurred to me."

I felt myself grin, "I've always admired you... You're so carefree. So involved with your Court and people. You're a good male. It's... It's everything I'm striving to be like."

Shock graced his face, "I've never heard you speak so freely. But your secret is safe with me. Although... It is I who's envious of you. I was hoping to court Thalia... But when Arion came and told me the news, I was rather upset." He waved his hand around. "My mate is out there."

Pride surged deep in my chest, no one was ever envious of me. It was a spectacular feeling. My chest puffed out, as Tarquin chuckled. "I'd show her off every chance I got."

I grinned, "I love showing her off... she likes it too. She's so used to being hidden that she was glowing at the High Lord's meeting."

I came across an exquisite crystal that gleamed pink but was white in color. "I'll take this one for her."

I pulled out gold marks, as the shop owner smiled. "Any friend of Tarquin's is a friend of ours."

Heat flushed my cheeks. "I couldn't... please accept something."

The shop keeper smiled as she handed me my bag. "You tell your female that she's very lucky."

"It's I who's the lucky one."

I thanked her again and left. Tarquin was speaking to a pretty female about something, as she smiled and walked off.

"Now for your mother?" He said, as I stared back at the female.

"What about her? She's lovely." I said.

Heat rose onto Tarquin's cheeks, "Olette and I are just friends."

I smirked, "You should ask her to dine with you."

"Do you think she'd say yes?" Tarquin asked, stroking his chin.

"Only one way to find out." I shrugged.

"You're a surprise Eris... I knew something had to be lurking beneath that wretched mask you wear." Tarquin said, as he grabbed two pieces of warm bread and handed one to me.

He smiled at the shop owner and slipped her gold marks, which she refused... but he insisted anyway.

So this is what it was like... to have your people adore you. He wouldn't even know where to begin.

Doubt and insecurity began to creep in. Thalia belonged with someone like Tarquin. He was kind, generous, and good. Eris was broken and damaged. He didn't deserve someone as pure as her.

"Something wrong?" Tarquin asked, as he bit into his bread.

"I don't deserve Thalia." I spoke quietly.

Tarquin frowned, "Why would you think that?"

I bit my tongue from spilling out secrets. "You're a good male Tarquin... Thalia should be with you."

"Mating bonds don't usually lie, but in some cases they do. But in your case... I believe the mother made the perfect choice. You see Thalia as this perfect little creature, which she is. But don't you see how broken and damaged she is as well?"

I chewed my bread and mulled everything over.

Tarquin continued, "She's fierce and brave... but she's also not used to being her full powerful self. Look at Azriel... he's one of the most powerful Illyrians and yet his sister can't even winnow. Her High Fae side has magic, she just doesn't know how to tap into it."

I remained silent, my thoughts screaming at me.

"Tell me, does she seem happier to you? Because to me, her energy is radiant and beaming. She spoke of you with pride. That girl loves you whether she's said so or not. If anyone is a perfect match for her it's you not me." Tarquin finished, as we entered a jewelry shop.

"Thank you. I've never spoke like this to anyone except Arion." I muttered.

Tarquin beamed, "Well, now you have another friend you can speak to about such things. I don't agree with your court or your father... but I think you'll make an excellent High Lord with Thalia by your side. If you need help... I'm always around."

I tipped my chin to him, as he grinned. "I must be going. It was lovely to meet you Eris. I do hope this side of you stays."

He winnowed off as I grinned, Thalia was going to be so proud of me.

I picked out a stunning pair of earrings and a necklace for my mother, paid, and then winnowed back to the house.

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