Part thirteen 🔥

Start from the beginning

Thalia 🌹

I awoke the next morning and attempted to roll over and stretch, only to be met by Eris' warm body cuddled up against mine.

I grinned and lightly pushed hair out of his face. He was so handsome. I gently kissed his forehead and strolled over to the bathing room. I came out a few minutes later dressed and ready for the day, as Eris was still sound asleep.

I crept out of the room and strolled down the hall. It was quiet, so I made myself some tea and munched on some pastries.

"Hello." A voice said, as I panicked and whipped around.

The same man from before with one eye was standing there.

"Hello." I responded shyly.

"I was invited for breakfast... but it seems no one is awake yet." He chuckled softly.

I twisted my fingers nervously and then I grabbed a cup and handed it to him. "Tea?"

"Thank you." He said quietly.

"Lucien, is it?" I asked, as he nodded with a grin.

"Thalia... Azriel's little sister. What a shock it was when I found out my brother had a mate."

"It was a shock to all of us honestly." I replied, picking up another pasty.

"Eris and I aren't close, but my mother wished me here." Lucien said, adjusting himself in his chair.

I wanted so badly to tell him everything... but it wasn't my place to say.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked curiously.

"Do you often ask personal questions to people you don't know?" He teased.

My cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." I don't even know why I started crying... but Lucien's face fell.

"Hey, I was teasing... please don't cry." He said panicked.

"I'm sorry." I hiccuped, wiping away my tears.

"Please... stop crying." Lucien said gently.

Eris walked in as a murderous look spread across his face, "What did you do to her?!"

"Nothing! She asked about my eye and I made a joke and then she started crying." Lucien said exasperated.

"No, it's my fault I shouldn't have asked." I whimpered, wiping away more tears.

"Get out." Eris spat at Lucien, who sighed and left.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again.

"Stop saying sorry, darling. You have nothing to apologize for." Eris said gently, hugging me tight to his chest.

"I was just curious. It was rude of me to ask."

"So he didn't hurt you?" Eris asked, wiping my tears.

"What? No... He was just trying to get me to stop crying." I blew my nose on a cloth Eris gave me.

"My cycle might be coming soon... I can always tell... I get weepy over nothing."

"It's alright to cry over nothing." Eris murmured, kissing my hair.

I hugged him tighter and he buried his face into my hair. "Let's go eat, hmmm. You must be starving."

"I am quite famished."

We walked out in the dining room. Arion was reading over papers, as Lucien was sipping his tea.

"Good morning, Thalia." Arion said, as I smiled softly.

"Good morning."

"Thalia... I'm sorry about making you cry." Lucien started and I stopped him.

"I think my cycle is near... It's not your fault." I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

"Is Mother still sleeping?" Eris asked, as Arion nodded.

"Poor thing doesn't sleep much these days. Let her get some proper rest." Arion muttered.

"Thank you for breakfast, but I should be going." Lucien said and bid all of us farewell.

Arion grinned. "Lucien made you cry?"

I rolled my eyes. "I was just being sensitive."

"Surprised Eris didn't rip his other eye out." Arion mused.

"Enough, Arion." Eris snarled softly.

"So touchy this morning... Sex should cure that right up." Arion stated.

I snickered, as I picked at my plate. "Maybe you should find a hot blonde to satisfy your needs."

Eris narrowed his eyes, "Don't start."

I nipped his lip, as he huffed. "Stop that."

"Never." I teased, refilling everyone's tea.

We all finished eating and I twisted my fingers nervously. "May I go visit my brother?"

"You don't need to ask to go somewhere, darling." Eris frowned.

"Right... Habit... Sorry." I said shyly.

"We need to work on your apologizing. High Ladies never apologize... Especially at the Autumn Court." Eris said, finishing his tea.

I went to say sorry again as I stopped myself. "Okay."

Arion chuckled and patted my knee, "You'll get there."

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