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Glynda's class just ended,and now the best class will start the resting class.

I let out a sigh,rubbing my temple and I didn't notice that a little red riding hood was poking me on my side,I decided to turn to her and a tint of red can be seen on her cheek,she is probably embarrass after what happened in Glynda's class.


She tries to open her mouth,only for her teammates to step in and interrupt her,how unfortunate for the little red riding hood.



Ruby then move between me and this,blonde hair girl and she has a pout on her face.

Ruby:Yang,can you please not interrupt!

While she was scolding her teammates,I notice the other teammates of her teams and one is wearing a bow on her head,another is...the great Weiss Schnee and she looks pissed.

Yang:What don't want me to interrupt you while you are talking to your crus-

I was not interested in this conversation so I just put my hand in my pocket and block all the sound that can be heard and the sound that cannot be heard.

After some time of walking to the cafeteria,I have finally made it and I have said 2 words which mean it is my personal record of talking,I'm proud of myself.

Anyway,I sit by myself,only for Ruby to notice me and waving her arm carelessly,how is she not embarrass.

I nod and make my way to them,from this distance alone I can see 8 students sitting across from each  other and I saw a red hair,orange hair,blonde hair and Lie Ren.


Don't just smile like that,if I was a normal teenagers I would have fallen in love,this girl is dangerous.

Anyway,I sit beside Weiss Schnee and she is probably thinking that I'm a creep or something.

Ruby:Where did you learn those move,Y/n?

Is this an,interrogation?

Y/n:Well,I teach myself how to fight and how to defend,but,I usually on the offense then the defense and it so much fun when you are fighting someone like Cardin.

Ruby:How did you move so fast and dodge his attack?

Y/n:I trust my instinct,let my body relax and be calm and never be too close to your enemy,if you don't have a plan or it can be fatal.


Y/n:Yes,if an enemy can hit you once,he can hit you again and again and again,so just dodge and find a vulnerable place to hit.

The blonde hair guy looks interested,and raise his hand,Iam not your teacher.

???:Vulnerable place?

Y/n:Yes,like his legs,that is why I kick him on the leg and I thought he would have knock to the ground,but,I realise that wasn't the case and went behind and suplex him.

The orange hair girl,has a grin on her face.

Pyrrah:Why didn't you bring your weapon?

Weiss:Were you that sure that you will beat him?

Calm down ladies.

Y/n:Well,I didn't because I know it will mess with his head and he will be confident enough to start the fight making it easier for me.


They look at Ruby with a confuse look,and I took a sip from my glass

Ruby:I-I forgot to introduce you to my friend...

Do You Ever Smile?! (Male reader X RWBY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें