William Afton X GlitchTrap X SpringTrap

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William sat in the bed, pulling the blankets over himself to stay warm. As he lay on the soft bed, his eyes scanned the room surrounding him. The walls were a cream-ish color, and a few photos hung on the walls here and there. One was of a sunset, colors fading from one to the next, into the dark blue of the night sky slowly claiming the sky as its own.

On either side of the bed, there was a nightstand made of dark brown wood, and on the one nearest to him, a little silver ring with elaborate patterns carved into it rested on top. A lamp sat on the nightstand as well, casting a soft, warm glow onto the room around him, and he found it comforting.

Against the wall was a bookshelf made of the same dark wood as the nightstand, although the books that were actually on the shelf didn't seem too organized to William. Beside the bookshelf, there was a door that was open by only a crack, but he could see that inside was just a closet. Across the room, there was another door, although if he went through that one it would lead him out of the room he was in.

The door creaked open, and William stared, trying to see who it was. A familiar anthropomorphic yellow rabbit walked into the room, his pale, almost white purple eyes meeting William's gaze. His mouth and belly were a lighter yellow, as well as the insides of his ears. He had dark whiskers and wore a purple bowtie.

"Glitchy-wichy!" William beamed.

"Silly Willy!" Glitchy-Wichy smiled at him with that handsome smile he had, and William felt himself blush.

"I-I want cuddles..." William mumbled quietly.

"Anything for you, my Kitten~" Glitchtrap grinned, showing off sharp teeth. "Does Silly Willy want a Kissy Wissy?"

"Y-yes..." William blushed, glancing at the wall to avoid the intense gaze of Glitchy-Wichy.

"Too bad you aren't getting one loser," Glitchtrap smirked, showing one tooth that was as sharp as a thorn.

William gasped in shock and sadness. "Y-you're being m-mean G-g-g-g-glitchy!" William stuttered, tearing up at how his boyfriend insulted him.

Why would he do this? Didn't Glitchtrap love William? Why would he call William a "loser"? Those same thoughts and more circled through Williams's head, round and round faster than a hurricane.

As soon as those thoughts had entered William's head, William started sobbing.

"I-I'm gonna tell Springy-Wingy!" William cried out, "H-He-He'll break up with you!"

As sad as William was, he was just as confused. All those years, was Glitchy-Wichy faking? Why would he fake his love for William for so long?

"Maybe I don't care!" Glitchy-Wichy spat, his voice full of venom. William started crying some more. "Springy-Wingy!" William shouted.

The door swung open, and out came a yellow-ish green animatronic rabbit, who had multiple scraps of metal missing, and even a chunk of one of his ears was gone.

"Silly Willy! What's going on?? Why are you crying, My Love?" Springtrap's pale-yellow eyes glistened with concern.

Glitchtrap leaned against the wall near the door, smirking in the way a TV show villain would.

"G-G-G-Glitchy-Wichy..." William tried to explain, but the rest of the word's didn't come out.

"Glitchtrap? Did he do something?" Springtrap's tone was serious now, and his eyes narrowed as his gaze flicked to glare at Glitchtrap."If he did something I'll..."

William just nodded.
"What did you do..." Springtrap growled.
"Oh, nothing~" Glitchtrap grinned.

"Yes you did!" William found himself raising his voice unintentionally.

"What did he do, Darling?" Springtrap sat down on the bed next to him.

William explained, and Springtrap turned to glare at Glitchtrap. Suddenly, William's phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, and what was lit up on the screen was a phone call. From Glitchy-Witchy. But Glitchy-Witchy was right there. Without his phone out.

William poked Springtrap's shoulder, and when Springtrap turned he showed him the phone screen.

"Alright 'Glitchtrap', who are you really?" Springtrap snapped.

The imposter unzipped the Glitchtrap costume. William gasped when the person inside was Clara! Clara was William's Ex-Wife who was really really mean to him and they got divorced.
"I'll take care of Clara, you answer Glitch's call." Springtrap instructed.

"O-Okay Springy-Wingy..." William said, answering the call.



Timeskip UwU

Springtrap had gotten rid of Clara, and William had helped Glitchy to get out of the shopping cart. Now, the three of them cuddled together, and after an eventful day, William finally got his Kissy Wissys and Cuddies UwU.

The End

Anyways, Happy April Fools day everyone! I hope you enjoyed whatever the heck that was.

If this is your first time seeing me and reading my stories... I'm not normally like this I promise. I just figured it would be funny to post this random story for April Fool's day.

I don't know how much I will be able to post after this, my break may continue. I've honestly been really caught up in planning for the next story I'm making (which I think may be coming soon, I know I've been saying that for a while but I'm almost done planning. Once I finish that, I can start actually working on the first chapter.

Since I am on break on my Wattpad account, I wanted to let you know my tiktok account is not on break, although I haven't posted yet. I do have an idea for a post though!

If you want more content from me during my break, My tiktok is this:


The nickname on it is "Mushroom"

Thank you for reading my writing! Can't wait to start posting again! See you guys soon :) 

William Afton x Glitchtrap x Springtrap |Oneshot| April Fools Day 2022Where stories live. Discover now