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Hia Lian saw a glint of silver from the corner of his eye and turned to check on Kuea. His eyes widened in fear as Kuea went to chop an egg in half as if it was a tree. 

Kuea raised the knife over his head and Hia Lian stopped him and took the big knife away. "That's dangerous," he snapped. All he could picture was Kuea's bloody, severed fingers. He shuddered as he let the knife clatter down on the counter. 

He frowned at Kuea. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't do it? You're a grown up now, Nu-Kuea," he admonished. He returned back to what he was doing with an exasperated sigh. Who would take responsibility if young master Kuea was hurt in any way? In any case, he didn't think he could take it. He was already worried about Kuea when he just stood there and breathed, imagine if he were to really be hurt. 

Kuea cursed himself in his head. He'd seen Hia Lian with his apron and casual shirt and it had felt like they were married. He'd just woken up and his husband was making him breakfast, but instead of just watching him he'd wanted to help. Why was he so fucking useless?

He looked down at his hands and the abandoned knife, ashamed. "I can do it," he said with a small voice. His eyes reluctantly met Hia Lian's. 

Hia Lian sighed and tried to gentle his voice as much as possible. "Who uses a big knife to cut an egg? Just sit and wait. I'll do it myself." 

Kuea felt tears gather in his eyes and he really wanted to stop himself, but his face crumpled and he started to cry. 

Hia Lian heard his sob and turned to him concerned. "Nu-Kuea, why are you crying?" He felt so awkward and inept. All he wanted was for them to take a step closer to each other, but it seemed everything he did just hurt his fiancée even more. 

Kuea's eyes were downcast as he spoke through his tears. "I can't do anything right. Everything I do is wrong."

Hia Lian's hand fisted in frustration. "I didn't mean that. I got loud with you because I was scared for you. I was scared that you'd get hurt." Why couldn't he get anything right?

"I'm not good enough," Kuea sobbed, tears still streaming down his face. "I'm such a burden to you." He somehow found the courage to look up at Hia Lian. "I understand now why you don't love me." He looked down at his useless hands again. Why did he become so stupid and weak in front of Hia Lian? When he was with his friends he was confident and assertive, but in front of Hia Lian he felt so small. 

Hia Lian silently wiped away his tears. He wished he was the type to make a grand speech and love confession. He wished he could sweep Kuea off his feet and make him trust and love him, the real him. He was the one that wasn't good enough for him. Kuea was everything good in this world. The only person who challenged him and made him truly happy. He wished they were at a point they could say that, but he knew they needed time. 

Maybe he would just show him for now. He cradled Kuea's soft cheek gently and leaned forward, his lips pressing gently against Kuea's. His heart stopped for a moment as their lips touched and he realized that this time Kuea wasn't drunk. He felt warm and his body came alive as his lips responded. 

Hia Lian pulled back reluctantly to look at Kuea. His fiancée looked up at him with wide eyes, inviting him to sample another taste. Hia Lian held on to his slim waist and pulled him forward as his lips descended again. This time his lips captured Kuea's upper lip and nibbled sensually. 

Kuea's breath stuttered between them. His lips followed Hia Lian's hungrily his taste seeming familiar and new at the same time. It triggered a foggy memory and Kuea reached for it in his mind, but it disappeared as soon as his eyes met Hia Lian's. The formerly composed businessman had a hungry expression on his face. His dark eyes holding a fire that Kuea had never seen before. 

He gasped as Hia Lian lifted him on to the counter, the food forgotten. The feast in front of them being infinitely more fascinating. Kuea's lips parted and Hia Lian took immediate advantage as his tongue invaded his mouth. Kuea chased his tongue with his own even as his hands explored Hia Lian's body through his clothes. 

His hands slid up his strong biceps and up to his broad shoulders. As they kissed, nibbled, and tugged at each other's lips, his hands slid down his back to trace Hia Lian's muscles. His fingers curled under his shirt and raised it to touch the warm skin beneath. 

Hia Lian panted against Kuea's lips. Every time his head told him to stop, his lips refused to obey as he told himself one more taste. He sipped from Kuea's lips, his tongue flicking against the tip of his tongue. Kuea melted against him with a moan, his legs cradling Hia Lian's hips perfectly. 

Hia Lian dragged him closer until their erections pressed against each other. His hand slid under his shirt to touch his fair skin. He'd been fantasizing about this since he'd seen him take off his shirt on camera. He gently scratched at a nipple that he knew from the previous glimpse was a delicious shade of pink. 

Kuea wrapped his legs around Hia Lian's waist, his hands tracing his shoulder blades. They breathed against each other between each kiss, their tongues plunging in deeper into each other mouths. Hia Lian held his tongue between his lips and sucked strongly, making Kuea shiver against him in delight.

His hands slid to the front of Hia Lian and squeezed his pecs. They flexed against his hand and Kuea shifted closer. Hia Lian kissed down his cheek and down to his neck, his swollen lips brushed the sensitive skin behind his ear. 

He knew it'd be like this. He was going to lose control and this wasn't the way he wanted it to happen. He didn't want any secrets between them when they finally made love. 

He ripped his lips away suddenly and almost dove back in for another taste when Kuea followed his lips with a dazed expression. His face fell as he realized the most amazing kiss of their lives was over. Hia Lian touched his forehead with his. 

Hia Lian's heart beat fast in his chest and his tight jeans under the apron begged to differ, but he pulled in deep breaths. "We have to stop," he breathed.

Kuea removed his hands from his body and laid them on his thighs. "Do you not want to...?" He trailed off with red cheeks, embarrassed. He was not cool enough to say these things casually. He was still a virgin after all. 

Hia Lian huffed out a laugh. "Yes, but I want us to get to know each other better first." 

Kuea squinted his eyes as if confused. "We've known each other forever."

Hia Lian leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "Not as we are now." 

Kuea frowned at his cryptic answer. Did he know something? No, if he knew about Kirin, Kuea would be in a padded cell until he graduated college. 

Hia Lian patted his thigh to signal him to get off the counter. "Come, I'll show you how to slice the egg." 

Kuea smiled brightly up at him like a besotted fool. Maybe he wasn't as capable as Hia Lian, but he would work hard to deserve to be by his side. And never mind the mocking voice in his head that reminded him he wanted to break the engagement. 

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