"You shouldn't touch that if you don't wish to die a horrible death, pet.", drawls a familiar voice.

"Bellatrix!" The older witch gives you a lopsided smirk before you run to her. You think you might knock her over as you throw your arms around her, but she keeps her balance.

"My little one...", Bellatrix whispers as she hugs you tightly, securely. Nuzzling your neck with her nose.

"You are cold..."

"Well, no wonder, it's freezing outside.", says the dark-haired witch playfully. But you think it is also because she spent so much time with the Dementors. As you pull back to look at her once more you notice that she has a haunted look in her eyes. You let the topic slide, instead you softly kiss her, wanting to give her some kind of warmth.

"Lanpy!" A rather old looking house-elf appears with a soft crack.

"Yes Mistress Black?"

"Take Miss Y/N trunk to my bedroom." Her bedroom? "And make us some tea."

The house-elf bows low before he disappears with your luggage.

"So, tell me pet, have you been a good girl for me?" Bellatrix asks in a sultry low voice, making you shiver.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Have you protected yourself from prying eyes..." She starts to grope your body with her hands. "And from unwanted touches..." The older woman pouts. "... and unwanted kisses?" So she still harbours a grudge towards Thorfinn Rowle.

"N-Nobody touched me, I was waiting for you. I'm yours."

"That you are, indeed." Bellatrix looks intently at you as if she is trying to read you. "You've gotten better at Occlumency.", she states plainly.

"Yes, but I think it's still not good enough to last against our Lord. I don't want to expose anything about you... or us."

"I shall teach you then. But first and foremost I want to fuck you in every room of this manor." The older witch grins cheekily at you whilst slightly sticking out her tongue.


Bellatrix did not make an empty promise, over the course of the next few days she had you in every way you dreamt about for the last weeks. Sometimes you thought your body could not bare any more, but every time you saw her hungry eyes, felt her roaming hands or experienced her wet kisses, the dark witch kindled your fire anew.

One rainy afternoon the older witch, again true to her word, invites you to the vast Black library to start your Occlumency training. You are excited, Bellatrix is one of the most accomplished Occlumens in the world and her skill in Legilimency is way more perfected than Draco's. She eases your nervousness by holding your hand as she sits opposite to you.

"Take deep breaths, pet. Empty your mind. Free yourself of all emotions. Be a blank canvass. Be calm. Are you ready?"

You nod your head and Bellatrix enters your mind with a muttered Legilimens. You see some images fly through your mind, but they are distorted, not clearly visible.

"Not bad. Try imagining another layer of thoughts, compartmentalise your feelings, mislead the intruder."

The dark-haired witch tries to access your mind another few times, you start to feel exhausted from the exertion of shutting her out of all the important thoughts.

"Very well, little one. You start to get the knack of it."

"Thank you." You beam at her praise.

"Shall I try it with full force for once?" She asks you with a grin, your smile falters. "You didn't think that was all I could do, now did you?" Bellatrix cackles.

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