Deep Sea King (10)

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Your POV - At home

I woke up early with my hair all messy.

I made egg for breakfast and left half an egg for saitama

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I made egg for breakfast and left half an egg for saitama. I had no idea what Genos eats so I just gave a small box of Takoyaki.

Me: Man what am I doing?

Suddenly, an alarm, loud enough for all cities, rang. "Demon Threat Monster, claims itself to be the Deep Sea King. evacuate. Please commit evacuation before it gets worst."

Me: ooo, interesting.

I walked to saitama's room and woke him up.

Me: Oi saitama


Saitama: *opens eyes* what

Me: a demon threat just appeared, be on your guard.

Saitama: got it.

Saitama replied as he slowly sat up.

Me: actually, let's go now. I'm bored.

Saitama: and I just woke up. Give me 10 minutes.

Me: okay.

At the scene - your POV

When we were on our way, we saw all the s and a-class heros, defeated.

Saitama: damn, he really did them dirty

Me: they look clean in a bad way

As we were... "Flying", we saw a big creature in front of all the citizins who are in the safety center.

Saitama: hey, that's Genos.

Me: oh yeah?

We looked to see Genos on deaths door.

Me: I'm gonna help mumen rider.

Man: hey! It's Thoma!

Girl: we're saved!

Boy: oh yeah we are!

I landed in front of mumen rider as I got ready for the next attack.

Saitama lands beside mumen rider and carries him to the hospital.

Saitama: You did well.

Me: alright. You're name is "deep sea king"? Kinda lame, no offense.

Deep sea king: Prepare to meet your faith.

Me: *closes eyes* okay.

Woman: what's he doing?
Man 2: I don't know..

I aim my hand like a pistol at deep sea king. I went to his side so my attack won't affect the citizins.

I then opened my eyes as a word came out of my mouth.


(You didn't punch him)

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(You didn't punch him)

He was sent flying to Mars. All the citizins started cheering.

Man 3: Oh come on. The hero association really needed almost all their best to defeat this guy? And Thoma solos him? We could've just defeated it ourselves. If Thoma could do it without even breaking a sweat, then it means everyone else in the Hero association is weak!

Man 4: Hey! They all risked their lives to save us!

Man 3: or to get attention.

Man 5: hey, your really getting on my nerves.

I broke their fight by talking.

Me: please, don't quarrel over small things.

Everyone: ("small"!?)

Man 6: But he's saying that all the heros are weak except you! I mean you are very strong but he's offending the others!

Me: *chuckle* don't worry about it. They tried their best and they did risk their lives to save you all, so be grateful that you haven't lost your lives. I'm glad you all are safe.

No one POV
All the citizins had their hearts warmed at Y/n's words and found it very humble.

Man 3: I see. Okay. I expected you to get mad at me but you stayed calm. Why?

Y/n: I don't have a reason to argue with anyone. Besides, everyone makes mistakes. Even in conversations.

Man 3: Oh. Thanks for explaining..

All the citizins were relieved that they didn't have to start an argument.

And with that, you gained everyone. I mean every single citizins trust and respect.

I teleported to the hospital saitama was in and saw mumen rider.

Me: Hey, you okay?

Mumen: yeah. Thanks for having me back.

Me/saitama: no problem.

Me: saitama, I made scrambled eggs for you. Did you eat it?

Saitama: of course. (Ah shit, I forgot about that.)

Me: good. Also, there are some-

Saitama: -Takoyaki? Yeah, I ate them.
Me: t-that was for Genos but that's ok..

Saitama: oh it was?

Me: yeah.

Mumen: I'd like to treat you both to udon later for saving my life earlier. I know the perfect place.

Me/saitama: ok/thanks

Short chapter ):
682 words

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