Garou (6)

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It has been a few days after the battle, many people aspires and simps for you. You were quite annoyed with the simps and decided to stay at home unless there is a mission.


Saitama: Oi answer the call already, your alarm is annoying you know?

Me: shut the hell up, "caped baldy"

(Sad saitama 😔)

Saitama: Okay, "Thoma"

Me: Hah?! You wanna die? The hero association makes the worst hero names in the world!

Saitama: your phone's still ringing.

'Why is everyone calling me nowadays..' Y/n thought as he picked his phone up and answered.


"I just called you for the first time"

"WHO R U?"

"My name doesn't matter now. I want you to meet me at (random place) street."

"Haah? Why should I follow you? Maybe you got the wrong person. IT'S THOMA HERE"

"Then I got the right one."

He hung up on me.

Me: damn he didn't even tell me when, prolly gonna go to (random place) now

Timeskip - at the location Y/n POV

Me: he told me to meet him here and he isn't even here?
I sighed is annoyance till I heard someone.

???: So you actually came?

Me: ye of course, im bored after all.

???: Interesting. Have you heard of Silv-

Me: yeah yeah Silver Fang, that S-class hero, professional martial artist and you are his best student, I think?

???: (This guy... He knows it all!)

???: My name is Garou and I'm here to defeat you after I saw how you beat the shit out of Blast.

Me: ok.

Garou: Take this!

He was so fast, I still could see him but he did something different.


I felt my shoulder stiffen.

Garou: (H-How is he still standing?!)

Me: If saitama was here, you probably won't live another Day. What's the big idea? *Laugh* your quite good!

I then punched him in a joking manner and it turned out quite bad.

I then punched him in a joking manner and it turned out quite bad

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(You are saitama and boros is Garou)

Garou: *grunt* (Yabai.. I don't stand a chance against him...)

He then fainted.

Me: eh, I didn't expect for you to be that weak. No fun!

I pouted and teleported back to my apartment.

Saitama: Hey, you didn't even leave a note! You annoying giraffe!

Me: you're nicknames are worst than the hero association's...

Saitama: God you little son of a B-

End - short chapters sadly ):

410 words

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