Jaywon - Letters

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A/N: There might be typographical errors ahead, so sorry in advance.


Hi love,

I wanted to spend this holiday with you. But i don't know if i can, if you don't even know who i am. I'm still afraid of telling you my identity. But i realized, i don't want to keep on hiding in the dark.

I want to greet you:
Happy Valentine's Day, Love.

If you want to meet me, I'll be waiting at the school's garden.'

"I really wonder who it is, it's super mysterious." Jake said besides me, holding his own bouquet of expensive flowers, a box of equally expensive chocolates and a meduim sized teddy bear (which is branded too), given by Heeseung.

"That's right Jay, meet that person in the garden later okay? I want to know who it is, maybe it's finally your forever." Sunoo also commented, while just like Jake, also holding expensive gifts; a bouquet, chocolates and teddy bears, but his are a lot more. Given by Ni-ki and Sunghoon.

"Ehh, I'm loyal to my Life." I whined, but i was also curious on who it was. But i was too loyal to my Life, the love of my life.

"Tch, to Jungwon? He also have a longtime crush. You don't have any chance." Sunoo rolled his eyes at me. While Jake just laughed, making me roll my eyes at them too.


'Hi Life,

How's your day? I hope you're doing alright. I really want to spend this day with you, but i guess i can't. That's okay, I'm happy with just seeing you smile even if it's not because of me. Do you have a date this day? (I hope you none or else i would really cry, joke) whatever makes you happy also makes me happy.

Happy Valentine's Day, Life
You're still the love of my Life.'

"Ayiiee, That's really cute" Heeseung said beside me. And i playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Who really is this 'Life'? They said don't date today, or they would cry HAHAHA" Sunghoon laughed and leaned towards Ni-ki who was also laughing hard.

"But Jungwon hyung, its just really cute. Why can't they show themself to you? They are too torpe." He exclaimed.

"I don't care, I'm loyal to my Love, we're going to meet each other later. I don't know if he would reject me, just wait for my text." I told them and continued tidying up my things. The class have already ended for this day and in just 10 minutes I'll finally confess.

"No thanks, i have a valentine's date with Jaeyun right now. Don't bother me." Heeseung said that made me groan.

"Us too, you can handle that on your own. Drink by yourself." Sunghoon said and the three of them already walked out of the classroom, leaving me alone.

I sighed deeply first before slowly walking out of the classroom's door. Making my way to the school's garden, i sat at the very end. This way i can see him if he's here.

My heart beat fastened when i saw him walk through the pathway, it was like the flowers bloomed even more.

It looked like he was in a fashion show, even though he was only in his uniform. He looked very dashing, like the whole world stopped.

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