Chapter 2 - The Mysterious Portal

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                     Opening Song

      "I'm sorry, Father, but I still have something important to take care of." I avoid Father because he'll scold me and shout like he did before. "Give me just a minute and I'll let you go." I stared without saying anything. "Maybe it's better if you let other people do what they need to. Because of what happened earlier, you might hurt others. Did you see what happened to Michelle's cake?! Everything would have been nice if you hadn't go there in the first place!" I was scared of him...
I couldn't do anything...When my older brother and I were young, he often scolded me. The past just comes back to my mind... "I'm sorry, Father...I have to go." I left and locked myself in the room.

Why does my Father treat me like that? Even my cousin was mad at me. They were always mad at me. It seems like everything I do is wrong... When I got to my bed, I covered myself with a blanket. I heard a knock on the door, but I did not open it. "Aiden, it's me, Bernard." I noticed my tears dripping. I wiped it off and immediately stood up and opened the door. "Are you alright?" I forced myself to laugh. "All good!" He sighs. "I'm glad to hear that you're okay. Why are you carrying that luggage?" I shrug. "I was just ordered to give that to a woman. Why are you here, anyways?" He smiles. "I'm just making sure you're okay. You know me, right? Always concerned about my kind, helpful, understanding and loving brother." I laughed. I don't know why when my brother is there for me, he's the only one who makes me happy when I'm in need. "All right, I guess I need to go. Call me when you need me, okay?" My brother waved away. I smiled at him, but that also disappeared when he left. I wondered if...what would life be when you weren't a royal blood?

As I was about to leave my room, suddenly a mysterious thing appeared in my room near the window. I also noticed that the moon was round and there were fogs outside. What is it and why is it there? I was scared and I ran into the hallway of the palace. I looked behind me as I ran to see if that thing was chasing me. I bumped into my brother. Wait, why is he still here? "Oh, Aiden! You look like you've seen a ghost." I tap his shoulders. "What else do you think?!" He put away my hand from his shoulders and tries to calm me down. "What is happening?" He asked worriedly. "Because I was just going out of my room, suddenly something mysterious appeared inside! What do you think I should do?! Stand up and wait for that thing to attack me?!" He stopped me before I could continue what I was about to say. "Don't panic. Just calm down." I sigh and took a deep breath. "Now, tell me what kind of thing you saw in your room."
"A circle that shines with blue color on it. I think there's something wrong with that thing. There's something going on inside of it. What if other wolves in our town get hurt because of that?" I explained. "Are you thinking of others rather than yourself? What's wrong with you?" I was worried. I don't know what to do when other wolves got hurt. I should be the one protecting them all especially that I am a prince. I know that my older brother is busy with his duties because of Father's orders, so I will be the only one to replace him. "If I didn't think of their safety, they would be in danger. If they were in danger, Father would definitely blame me because I myself was the first to see that thing." My brother hugged me. "Aiden..." He pat my back. "I know how hard life is when your loved one treats you differently, but that's not the meaning to make you think you're worthless. Yes, I know you have no power, but I'm just here for you. I'll never go where as long as you're not there." I push away and smiles. "Thank you, Bernard." I showed the thing I saw in my room, but it disappeared. "Where is it?" He asked. "How did that happen? It was just here earlier." I'm confused. How did that disappear? Maybe that's just a prank? Whatever it is, I have to do something. "Maybe it's just because you're tired. It's better if you rest first. It's not good that you're abusing your health." I was annoyed and I frowned. "But I know what I saw." He sighs. "Just don't think about it too much. You know, just think about the celebration for Michelle later. It's going to start soon. Don't be late." He stopped walking and remembered something. "And of course, Michelle made an outfit for you. She left it in your room earlier while you were away." I didn't answer and avoids to look at him. He continued to walk away and closed the door. I won't let that thing harm the wolves in our village. I will save them all. I had to make a way.

As the celebration was about to begin, I immediately got dressed. Wait, what is this?? Seriously, a teddy bear pajama outfit?! It's too cute...Not that I don't like cute outfits, but is it right for me to wear them?? What the hell is Michelle doing? Sighs...It's okay. At least, she put an effort in it and she did well. I went to the palace garden. I forced myself to smile, even though, I was nervous because of what I saw in my room. When the celebration started, I heard music and applause of the wolves. I saw my Father went to the front and he smiled at Michelle. Michelle walked over to the roses placed on the ground. She's barefooted. I remember the past when I was given a power, but...nothing happened. Father was disappointed with what had happened. He got mad at me and blamed me. He said it was my fault, but he did not say the reason. My mind went back to the present and saw Michelle touching and blowing the magical flower until its petals flew into the sky and Michelle shines. After that, it disappeared. "Wow!" Michelle sang and had a variety of plants around. "Wonderful!" Everyone cheered. Meanwhile, while I was on the side, watching Michelle and Father, Alliyah approached me. "Lord Aiden, have you seen Lord Bernard? I have something important to say." I shake my head. "No, why?" Alliyah was worried. "The three children are missing! It's Kayla, Eunice and George! I just got something to eat and when I came back, they were gone. I told them not to go anywhere." This is weird.. I think that thing I saw in my room had something to do with what was happening right now. "Stay here. I'll find Bernard." I went inside the palace and looked for my brother. I saw him in the hallway, unconscious. "Bernard! Wake up!" But he did not wake up. "Who did this to you?!" I was surprised when I heard the voice coming in front of me. A masked man in a black dress approached me. "Am I what you're looking for?" I immediately stood up. "Stay back!" I clenched my fist. "Do you think you can do something with your very weak hand?" He suddenly pulled the three children he was hiding behind. They were crying. "Shut up, you all goddamn pests! Scream and I'll kill you!" He pulled Eunice's hair up. I took the sword from my brother and cut his right eye. He accidentally let go of Eunice's hair and the three children ran towards me. "Hurry up and go!" They ran, but he punched me. Ouch, that hurts... "I'm not done...I'll come back to you soon..."

      He suddenly disappeared. I immediately sent my brother to Antonita and she immediately healed him.

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