"So, Hange and Erwin will come over tonight. Since it's Sunday gramps closes early. He said I didn't need to clean up tonight. I'll be there at seven. I'll bring the pizza." Armin was rambling. He did this when he didn't know what else to do.

"Uh, sounds good." Eren agreed. Armin wondered around the store with him as Eren picked out some things for his meals for the week. He went to pay, but Levi thrust a card into the machine before Eren could count out the bills.

"Hey, I can..."

"Didn't ask you." He pulled the card out taking the bags. "Lets go." Levi ordered. Eren waved to Armin. The pair headed out to go back to the apartment.

"Oh, there's a new girl who moved in on your floor." Eren told Levi.

"Yeah, I met her on my way out looking for you." Levi stated. He looked away. "Seems like a bitch." He added.

"Oh, I don't know. She seemed OK to me." Eren muttered. Levi tsked. They didn't talk until Eren opened the door to his apartment. He slipped the jacket off.

"Your bleeding, did you cut yourself?" Levi asked.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Levi pulled his shirt up to show some blood on the back of it. "Blackie didn't like Petra either." Eren muttered.

"Take the shitt off, I'll help you clean and bandage." Levi offered. Eren pulled it off. Levi's eyes moved over his thin chest and weak abs.

"You look good this way." He smirked. Eren blushed looking away. He felt Levi's warm hands on his back and neck as he cleaned the cat scratches. He put band aids on the deeper ones, then kissed Eren's neck.

"All done." He cooed. Eren jerked from the kiss.

"Uh, thanks."

"What's in the package?" Levi asked pointing to the small wrapped box Petra had brought up.

"Probably my birthday present from mom." Eren muttered. He went to his room to find a black long sleeve tee shirt. Walking back out, he saw Levi sitting at the table. He twirled the package in his long fingers. It was about the size of a book.

"It doesn't rattle, doesn't feel soft for clothing or hard for like a book." He offered.

"It's usually a gift certificate to some place." Eren took the package. Levi's fingers grazed the back of his hand. "She likes to try and disguise it." He sat down to open it.

"Oh, wow." Eren muttered. He pulled out a digital drawing tablet. It was one that didn't need a computer as it had wifi connections. "This is better than anything I've gotten recently." Eren walked into his room, forgetting Levi was a person sitting there.

He sank to the floor, leaning against his bed. He pulled out the tablet. "This is amazing. I can edit and do videos right from here!" He cried.

"Do you always talk to yourself?" Levi was leaning against the door jam. Eren blushed.

"No, I, well I talk to my cat.." Eren muttered. Levi snorted.

"I see. How about you draw me?" Levi offered. Eren's face heated up more.

"Oh, ok." He smiled. Levi grabbed a blanket off of Eren's bed. He tossed it on the floor. Laying on it he placed one hand on his hip, the other holding his head up, he winked.

"How's this?" he asked Eren smirked.

"You look ridiculous without a rose in your mouth." He teased. Levi laughed.

"I would rather have your lips on my mouth. That kiss really did something to me." He lowered his eyes to look seductively up at Eren.

"If I kissed you, how could I draw that?" Eren pointed out raising his knees to hide his face.

"How indeed." Levi smirked. Eren made a quick sketch of the teen. It took about an hour. He showed it to the man.

"Damn I love your talent." Levi said. He then set the tablet on the bed. "Now, you thought a kiss was a good present, how about a little make out session?" Levi crawled into Eren's lap.

"OH, uh I, uh need to clean for the party." Levi's finger's dug into Eren's hair.

"Later." He pressed his mouth to Eren's. This time he nipped his lip to get his tongue inside. Eren let out a soft squeak. Levi rubbed his groin against Eren's. Strong hands gripped the small waist, as Eren held him in place returning the kiss.

Levi broke away to kiss along Eren's collar bone. He sat back. "Eren, would you go out on a date with me?" He asked. Eren blinked. His mind a blank.

"Why me? You're the hottest guy in school!" He cried.

"And as such, I like you." Levi smirked. "Come on, one official date. If you don't like it then.."

"No, no I, yes." Eren muttered. Levi stood holding out his hand.

"Alright, Next Saturday. Now, I'll clean, you sit back and play with your tablet. Your not to lift a finger. It's weak but it will be my birthday present to you until I can actually get you something." Levi offered. Eren agreed. Whatever room Levi was cleaning, Eren sat in drawing or messing around with the different functions on the tablet.

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