Myself and you ?

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" Hi my name is Dillion"
Right then my heart stopped . I looked back and looked to both my sides and looked back at him. " ... Are you talking to me " ? , I asked confused. " Of course !! Silly goose", he responded
Right then I couldn't breath. I was paralyzed at that moment . There was a long pause until he broke the silence. His voice was so beautiful , and odd at the same time . I glared at him while his lips moved. How can he be talking to me ? Is what I asked myself .
"Sabrina ?" he asked while I was dazing off .
Omg !!! Did he just say my name ?? Wait how did he even know my name ?
" Oh I'm sorry , yeah that's cool" I broke off my day dream.
"Your so weird " he said
Crap why did I do that ? I asked myself.
He chuckled . He's so adorable
" Well we have to get to class so I'll talk to you later " he said already walking away.
"GIRLLLL WHAT JUST HAPPENED" My best friend barged.
" I don't even know myself " I said nervously .
He talked to me . The boy I dreamed off
Actually talked to me . I am no longer invisible to him. He knows of my existence !
" Hello ????" Brenna said waving her hand in my face to see if I was awake or alive.
" I'm sorry I'm just -" I got cut off by Brenna.
" We needa go to class" she pulled my arm and we headed to our first period.
As soon as I walked in I saw him . I saw Dillion sitting were I usually sit.
My heart raced and I started to shake. omg , what am I going to do I told my self .
" Hey math partner " Dillion said.
Am I dreaming ??? I pinched myself but not in front of every body . That would be weird.
" Hey , when did you switch " I asked . " Just this morning when I saw your beautiful face"
He said seductively.
My face turned bright red.
Did he just call me beautiful ? " Oh " is all I managed to say .
What is happening today ? Why am I suddenly so visible to Dillion when I was always so invisible . So non-existent.
" You don't seem very happy to see me"
He said with a sad tone in his voice .
" I'm sorry I'm just thinking " I said
" Tell me your thoughts beautiful lady " he said
Why are you doing this ?? Why are you suddenly so into me and why am I suddenly so visible to you . Are you seriously serious or are you playing ?
Is what I wanted to say but instead I said
" oh you know usual , school , home and what I ate for breakfast " I responded .
" I am here to - "
" Good morning Class " my math teacher Interrupted.
I giggled because he got a little irritated .
He was so handsome .
While the teacher talked , Dillion sent me a note .
D - hey :)
S- OMG we're going to get in trouble if we are caught
D- don't worry :) for you I'll do anything
Reading that I blushed . He saw me and grabbed my hand from underneath the table .
I am so confused but it felt right . No no no don't fall . Don't fall . Don't fall .
I can't really understand this feeling but ,
I really do like him.
But I can't fall , not now .

**** heyyyy so this is a longer chapter I don't know what to do lol I do but like how much anyways comment ?? Lol
I hope you enjoy it !! :)
I will be updating sorta daily
--- Brisa :)

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