Chapter Seven

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"I don't know what you're talking about" I say to him and try to pull my arm from his grasp but he's not budging.

"Rafe let go of me!" I shout at him and now John B. and JJ are standing next to us.

"Rafe, get off her man" John B. says and places his hand onto Rafes forearm. His tone was calm and collected but I could tell he was fuming mad. The second he made contact with Rafe's arm, Rafe let go and lunged at John B. shoving him into the tree behind us. JJ instantly goes after Rafe but Kelce and Topper and then Pope are all fighting. Sarah is trying to pull Topper off of Pope but is failing. I try to get over to Rafe and John B. but suddenly I'm being pulled back by another one of Rafe's kook friends. The boy's hands are wrapped around my waist as he holds me back from stopping the fight. Rafe and John B. were now on the ground both laying punches one after the other.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I shout at the Kook holding me. I start kicking and trying to elbow him in the stomach and finally feel him let go when I connect with his diaphragm and he doubles over trying to catch his breath. I run over to John B. right as Rafe appears to be winning the fight as he straddles John B. punching him in the face. I shoved Rafe off of him and he was clearly surprised by that as I see him spin around to see who pushed him. John B. gets up and makes a move to go after Rafe again but I stand between the two of them. Both of them are breathing like bulls about to be released into the ring, each wanting to prove their dominance in this situation.

"Enough! This is ridiculous!" I yell as I push both of them back from one another.

"Are you fucking kidding me Grace? Are you dating a Pogue?" Rafe says in between deep breaths. The others have stopped fighting as they watch Rafe and I talk. I notice that JJ has a cut lip and Pope is looking extremely disheveled with a rip in his button down shirt.

"Not that it's any of your business Rafe but yeah I am. And in case you haven't noticed, I am a Pogue!" I shout at him. Rafe laughs in a cynical way as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Nah, you're not. Because you live on Figure 8 Gracie. Sooner or later you'll figure out that these Pogues, they're not your real friends,they're just using you" Rafe says cooly as he looks past me and at John B, John B. lunges forward at Rafe but JJ stops him.

"Rafe, stop!" Sarah yells at him.

"Fuck off Sarah. Sooner or later these Pogues will turn their back on her and she'll come running back to us but we might not be here when she does," Rafe says as he turns his attention back to me.

"You, Dad, Rose, you're all so scared of what could happen if I'm a Pogue, well guess what I am a Pogue, Rafe. And my boyfriend's a Pogue, and my best friends are Pogues. And now we're gonna leave and drink the alcohol that you guys provided for us," I say as I grab a cup from the table beside us and drink the entire cup of what I assume is jungle juice. Before anyone can say anything else, I grab John B's hand and pull him towards the door as I grab JJ's shirt and he pulls Pope and we all walk out together. I can hear Sarah yelling at Rafe as we leave and a small smirk appears on my face as we get to the Twinkie.

"Woo! That was crazy, man! Gracie you totally showed the Kook assholes up! John B. bro you were messing up Rafe man that was insane!" JJ yells as he hops into the van, his adrenaline clearly still pumping, as was mine. My whole body was shaking and I felt like someone just dumped a bucket of ice water over me. My anxiety was at an all time high but I also had a strange sense of calmness. Everyone knew about John B. and I now and I didn't have to worry about it getting out anymore. I look over at him worried that he'll be furious because of what happened but when we make eye contact he smiles at me. A big smile that resembles that of a child's when you tell them they're getting ice cream.

"You amaze me Gracie Cameron" He says to me with his big goofy smile as he runs his hand through his long curly hair.

"So are we gonna talk about this or?" Pope says with an awkward laugh as I realize both he and JJ had been staring at us for the past few moments.

"Well obviously John B. and I are dating," I say as I hop into the van.

"Does anyone know?" Pope asks.

"Well I think everyone knows now," John B. says laughing as he starts the van.

"Yeah but before, did anyone know before?" JJ interjects.

"No, no one knew until five minutes ago. When I wore John B's sweatshirt home the other night Rafe asked me about it and I lied and he knew it. When he saw John B. wearing it tonight he put the pieces together. By the way, why are you wearing a sweatshirt, its not even that cold?" I ask John B.

"When JJ and I went to get drinks some drunk Kook spilled there's on my shirt. This was the only other shirt I had in the van and I didn't want to walk around shirtless the rest of the night," He says as we drive away from Kelce's house.

"Well are we getting any details about this or what?" JJ says.

"I'm not giving you guys every single detail but we will tell you more. But when Kie is here too," I say as I turn around to look at the boys looking as eager to hear the details of John B's and I's relationship as a toddler on Christman morning.

As we drive back to the Chateau JJ and Pope are still badgering us with questions. Just as we pull up to the house, I feel my phone buzz and get a bad feeling.

FROM DAD: "Come home now please. Need to talk about what your brother just told me."

"Fuck" I mutter out loud. 

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