"Me and John B? No way, he's just a friend" I say and I turn on the radio so loud that I can't even hear myself think so that Sarah doesn't ask anymore questions.

It was almost five oclock now and the dinner guests were going to be here soon. I wanted to just wear the same sundress as earlier but Rose made me change into something nicer. All that woman cares about is money and other people's opinions. I put on a loose cream colored sundress that has small yellow and green flowers on it and my tan wedges. Sarah had on a long flowy pink dress and Wheezie was wearing a bright blue dress that she loved.

I still had some of the tequila left from last night with the Pogues so I poured some in a cup and mixed it with lemonade when dad wasn't looking. I needed it if I was going to be forced to walk around and make small talk about Rose's real estate. Rafe always tries to take charge at these things to prove to our dad that he can be mature and follow in his footsteps. After hearing all these people drone on with their insufferably boring conversation, it's finally time to eat.

"So Gracie, your mom-"

"Step-mom" Sarah and I both say in unison causing several people to look uncomfortable.

"Well, Rose, was telling us how you and Sarah picked out the bouquets for tonight, they're just lovely" The woman looked to be about 50 years old. Rose has been trying to get her to sell her beach house so that they can build more onto their house on the mainland.

"So are you still friends with the Carerra girl? And you know those pogues?" The woman's husband asked with a disgusted face as he said the word pogues.


"Oh Gracie has lots of friends. You know Sarah just started dating Topper Thornton." Dad said before I could correct the man for being so rude.

I took a big sip of my drink and feel myself starting to get a little buzzed. I started to tune out Sarah as she talked about her and Topper.

"Grace, do you have a boyfriend?" A younger woman at the table asked me. Geez if I knew this dinner was going to be a deep dive into my life I would have taken my chances and not come home last night.

"Uh no, no boyfriend right now" I said hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

"Oh come on a pretty girl like you, there must be someone" She said again and everyone was looking at me. I felt like everyone knew I was hiding something. Rafe definitely knew something because he saw John B's sweatshirt last night, he just doesn't know it was his.

"Gracie doesn't have much time for boys. She's always busy doing something, now she'll be busy surfing everyday" Dad swoops in again and changes the topic. Despite surfing being a pogue sport, I have always been really good at it and it's probably my favorite pastime. Dad always loved sitting on the beach and watching as he had a beer and did paperwork.

The conversation shifted again and I finished eating and went to get more to drink. The guests were done eating too and were milling around the house and the patio with their drinks having empty conversations about houses and other things.

"Dad, can I go now?" I say as I find him making himself another drink in the kitchen.

"Yeah that's fine. Thanks for sticking it out kiddo, I know how boring these things are for you guys. Where are you going?" He asked.

"Just to hang out with Kiara and probably John B. and the others" I say hoping to not be lectured.

"Just be careful okay?" He says and gives me a quick hug.

"So you're bailing on us again to go hang out with the Pogues? Really Gracie?" Rafe says as he appears in the doorway from the kitchen to the hallway.

"Rafe don't start okay? I've been here all day I just wanna go hang out with my friends" I say as I try to walk past him but stops me.

"Don't do it Gracie. Just stay here with us. Topper and the guys are gonna go to a party at Kelce's house. You can hang out with us."

"I want to go hang out with MY friends not your kook cronies, Rafe" I say and try to push past him again but this time he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Rafe, you're hurting me stop" I say and pull my arm free from his grasp and rush past him and up the stairs to my room.

I go to call John B. but realize I left my phone downstairs and regrettably go back down to find it.

"Looking for this?" Rafe says as he holds my phone over my head.

"Come on seriously? Grow up Rafe" I say as I reach for it but he pulls it away like he used to do with my toys when we were younger.

"You never were able to reach this high" He says as he laughs mocking me.

"You know what fine, keep it. That way when Rose and Dad get pissed at me for not answering my phone they'll blame you and not me. I'm going to John B's now" I say and grab my backpack which I had packed with clothes to stay overnight at John B's. I head outside and grab my bike from the garage when I hear a familiar car honk. It was the Twinkie. 

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