Next Saturday

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Akutagawa pov:

Akutagawa had never been one to show any sort of emotion, especially not during his work. Today was different though, everyone in the Port Mafia could tell he had something stuck in his head distracting him from work. He sat in his office chair clicking aimlessly on his computer. He wasn't paying any attention. He was only thinking of that guy.

"Chuuya-san, I'm doing fine." Akutagawa insisted.

"Nope. What's going on in your head right now?" Chuuya asked curiously. He had never seen Akutagawa distracted before. In all honestly, it had sort of been creeping him out. "I guess I'll have to resort to bringing in Gin for questioning." Chuuya sighed dramatically.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Akutagawa shouted, clearly irritated. Chuuya smiled in victory. "It's just that I've been thinking about someone." Akutagawa mumbled quietly, afraid someone would hear. Chuuya smirked.

"Oh? And who is this someone?" Chuuya asked, although he had a person in mind. Akutagawa flushed. Chuuya shrieked in surprise. Did Akutagawa Ryuunosuke just blush? Akutagawa pressed a finger to his forehead and sighed impatiently. Chuuya quickly calmed down and asked, "Is it Higuchi-san?" Chuuya had thought that maybe Akutagawa had grown to care for her, but no, he couldn't have been more wrong.

"HAH!?" Akutagawa was fuming. Higuchi? Higuchi was merely his secretary! "Of course not!" Akutagawa said rudely, not caring much that Chuuya-kun was his superior.

"Geez, it was only a speculation." Chuuya muttered, trying to keep himself calm and composed.

"It's that weretiger," Akutagawa finally admitted before adding, "But not like that! He's just been on my mind because I want to kill him. That's all." He insisted. Chuuya only laughed.

"I never said anything. You're the only one thinking of that." Chuuya pointed out which caused another blushing Akutagawa. "Look kid, it's obvious to me you like him. Since I am your superior and a great friend I'll tell you this, you need to get closer to him to get him to trust you. Then the only thing left to do is confess!" Chuuya told him proudly. Akutagawa just frowned.

"If it was that easy you wouldn't be single and in love with your ex-partner." Akutagawa retorted which got him an earful of yelling from Chuuya.

Atsushi pov:

Everytime he saw Dazai he would immediately run away. Dazai was convinced that Atsushi liked Akutagawa-kun. Atsushi definitely did not agree, although he couldn't help but feel his cheeks warm whenever he thought of Akutagawa.

"Atsushi-kun! Akutagawa came to visit you!" Dazai announced to everyone. Atsushi saw Kyouka place her hand on her phone with a deadly expression.

"No Kyouka!" Atsushi admonished. She only let out a sigh in defeat. As he stood to meet Akutagawa he saw the Tanizaki twins gawk at him. Ranpo smirked at him and Yosano gave him a raised eyebrow. It seemed Kunikida was the only one who didn't seem fazed at all. He stopped once he got to the doorstep and he quietly shut the door to keep Dazai from eavesdropping.

"So.." Atsushi started.

"I.. uh.. " Akutagawa reddened. "I came to ask if you would meet me at the park this weekend." He finally got out.

"Sure!" Atsushi beamed. Akutagawa could feel butterflies in his stomach. Atsushi looked so adorable. He wanted to pull him into a hug, but quickly pushed the thought away. Atsushi looked at him shyly, scared to ruin anything. "How about Saturday?"

"That's fine with me." Akutagawa quickly agreed. He noticed that Atsushi's hands were only a few inches away from his. He wished he could hold his hand.

"Hurry up brat!" Kunikida yelled from inside. Atsushi turned to see the whole agency peaking from behind the window curtain. His face grew red with embarrassment. Now they knew.

"Here." Akutagawa said handing him a piece of paper containing his phone number. "You'll probably want to discuss our plans more, in private."
Atsushi nodded. As he turned to watch Akutagawa leave he felt oddly warm inside.

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