Chapter 2 - Redhead Girl

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The school was like some sort of carnival. I am getting carnival vibes from students walking in groups, taking selfies, couples kissing in corners and the whole school is decorated with welcome balloons. This vibe was giving me cringes more than nyctophobia. I stepped inside and I could see almost every student smiling and happy. But I can see how much they are faking those smiles. Many of them bring a fake smile on their face because of peer pressure and trends.

Last time Lily forced me to wear an off white skirt to follow their trend. She just wanted one person more to complete their groupie selfie - It sucks!

I managed to enter the hallway before any student noticed my arrival. Though I am always invisible to them, I have few students whom I should avoid. But suddenly I am feeling like my efforts were a waste of time. There were hundreds of students on my way to reach my cupboard. And I have to pick my books for classes. I took a deep breath and pushed people by piercing the crowd. After a lot of strangling I reached to my cupboard. I pulled the locker key from my journal and opened the cupboard.

It was almost empty. I knew, I only had my purple scarf, mathematics, and ecology books. I removed the scarf and smelled it. It is the sole evidence of my first day in school. My mother gave this to me when I was crying on my first day. I still remember, it smelled like vanilla bean but now it was just dusty. I sneezed a few times as I smelled, then I threw it again in the cupboard. I grabbed those books and locked the cupboard. As I turned i was stupifed for second time by Seth.

"Oh babe! I missed you! Btw you blocked me on messenger?," He smiled

He flipped his shiny black hair back and bit his lip, as he took a step close to me. I was petrified to see him suddenly. He rubbed my cheek and whispered,"welcome back to Seth!"

I gulped some air and looked at him,"I am not scared!"

I pushed him and rushed towards the classroom. He stood back and gave a devilish look. Seth is the only person in my school who wants to be my boyfriend, where others don't even want to talk with me. Seth is popular among girls. He is almost like Edward of the Twilight. He walked behind me after a few minutes. His sapphire eyes moved from right to left as he walked. The girls usually die for his smile and bored chest. He moves fast like a squirrel but I can still feel his strength when he grabs my waist. The black t-shirt was stretched and chest was almost popping out of his skinny body. His thin legs are enough to kick muscular boys whoever try to have a conversation with me.

I felt like class was miles away. But anyway I reached before professor Charlie began his session. He gave me a disgusting look and said, "come in! Why can't you be on time, Heido?"

"It's Heidi!" i frowned

Charlie laughed with the rest of the students in chorus, "you expect me to correct my pronunciation heido? Why don't you change your name as weirdo?"

He stood from his chair and pointed towards the student sitting near my desk. She was a redhead girl. Her ebony eyes rolled over me. She was staring at me without any expression on her face. But her eyes were fixed on me like an eagle - serious one.

"Aliya is almost new to this continent and yet she is here on time! You better learn some etiquette from her! Now take your seat! " he frowned too

I stared at the redhead and she just turned her face towards Lily. I was feeling irritated. I don't like the concept of comparison. You can say an apple and an orange are the same! My usual desk was occupied by Lily and her gang. And the only seat left was near a redhead. I don't have enough strength to argue with Charlie or anyone for an extra seat. I threw my backpack and landed on the seat. As I sat, she jerked away from me!

"What the f*** Is it wrong with her?"

She spoke nothing but I could read her eyes. She kept staring which gave me cringes. My stomach was churning. Meanwhile I noticed a tattoo on an unusual spot. She raised her right arm to answer a question which I ignored subconsciously. There was some bird tattoo but it was hard to explain what kind of bird.

"What is your problem?" she asked rudely

I nodded my head like "nothing," and ducked my head into the textbook.

The redhead was full of mystery like Edward and I am sitting like Bella! But it's fictional. She can be a dangerous person like a drug addict or whose family has a criminal background. I was continuously thinking about redheads until i realized the class was over.

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