"It's fine ," * you say in English : " that sort of thing isn't really part of our language anyways ."*

Both Kujos look at you , stunned ; in this moment specifically , their captivating green eyes resemble eachother strikingly .

"You know English ?"* Holly asks .

"I'm from [home-country] . It's my first language ." *

"What a surprise , Y/n ! I'm actually American myself , though you could also say half Italian and half English , but I've been here for 20 years and I love it ! Anyways , I won't keep you two hanging about . If you want, you can stay for dinner . Today , I'm maki- " *

"Y/n will stay" Jotaro interupts firmly in Japanese, taking you by the hand and leading you away before his mother can finish.

Jotaro closes the door after you're both inside their library . He flicks a switch on the wall , automatically turning on each of the four wall lamps on each wall . There are three tall , wall-wide filled bookcases . There's a broad rectangular table with drawers in the centre of the room with four chairs , each one having cushioned seating .

"Can you speak English ?" you ask as pull out a chair and take a seat , placing your notebook and stationery kit infront of you .

"Of course " he mentions , walking over to the table .

"Then why don't you speak it with your mom ?" you ask him as Jotaro sits opposite .

"Don't need to" he answers , letting his own notepad hit the desk with a boom . He gets a large sheet of paper from a drawer under the table . "The girl wanted to do a big poster , this is the biggest paper I have ."

"I think that'll be good ."

"Mm ."

Just as you're about to start , the pair of you turn your heads to the door as you hear Holly come in with a circular tray balancing two bottled waters and a plate of cookies . "Y/n , you don't have any allergies , right ?" the blonde asked .

"Only dust" you admit .

"Right , got it . I hope you don't mind that the cookies are star-shaped , my son only likes them when I make them into stars" she tells you , resting the tray down . "By the way , Y/n , would you mind giving me your mom's phone number so I can ring her and let her know you're here ?" Holly asks , placing down a little notepad infront of you . "I don't want her worrying !"

"Not at all" you reply , finding a pen from your pocket before scribbling down your mom's number .

"Thanks Y/n . I'll let you two get on with this project of yours . Be a good boy , Jotaro ."

"Yare yare , shut up" Jotaro grumbles , passionately chomping off the corner of a star . You frown at his response .

"Alright , alright " she beams , unfazed by his manners , making her way out .

"You don't have to be so rude" you comment delicately after Holly closes the door . "She's one of the kindest people ever . She deserves more love than that ."

He averts his eyes to the side , biting down into another cookie .

"You wouldn't know this . She had a deadly illness a few months ago and I almost died a few times trying to save her life . And the guy you always hang out with - Kakyoin Noriaki , he saw everything my family and friends went through" Jotaro tells you , surprisingly nonchalant throughout the explanaition . "So maybe I do come off as rude , but I certainly love my mom , and she knows that ."

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now