"You're going to have to come down here." He shouted.

I got off my seat, not scared to leave our bags there because we were the only people in the stadium then joined him on the track. Well, I stood off to the side.

He moved to the starting line, regarding me, "Okay, this is how its going to be." He said, completely serious and it was a really strange look on him. I couldn't remember ever seeing him this serious. It was different and... hot. "You can count down from three, and the moment you say 'go', you start the watch. Do you understand?"

Dazedly, I nodded. I wasn't sure that my mouth was capable of producing sound at the moment.

"Okay." He said, satisfied with my nod. He lowered to the ground and then knelt, taking the universal pose that athletes took before running. "Ready?"

I nodded again, clearing my throat. "Three... two... one. Go!"

He took off like lightning. One moment he was at the starting line, the next he was running towards a mark on the track, not too far from the starting point. I stopped the watch immediately he crossed the line and called the time out to him.


He frowned. "I can do better."

I didn't know much about sports but from the expression he wore, ten seconds weren't his target. And that was how we continued. He would run, and I would record and then tell him the time, as he jogged back to the starting line.

"You know what?" He called suddenly as he jogged back one time, "I think you should stand at the finish line. I think from where you're standing, you don't get the time I finish accurately."

I knew what he was saying was true. I had thought the same thing. Still, I said, "You're just saying that because you keep running between ten and eleven seconds."

"Yes." He didn't even argue. "Im faster than that."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm tired of standing anyway."

I didn't know if I liked this serious version of Axel more. When he was his usual self, he was unbearable, but now, he was too serious. He hadnt even smiled once. He was just too concentrated on running and beating the ten seconds.

He jogged off and came back with a stool. I didn't know where he got it from, but I didn't ask. I simply took it and sat down where he wanted me to—the finish line, while keeping a hawk eye on him.

I called the count-down from three to one, but just as he started running, I stopped him.

"No. Go back. You started before I said go."

"I didnt!" He protested.

"Go back."

Silently, he gave me his middle finger as he went back to the start line. I couldn't help it, I laughed and I caught a smile on his face.

This time when he ran, it was different.

"Nine point five seconds!" I whooped and he jogged over to me from the finish line, wiping sweat off his face.

"What?" He stared at me dubiously, "Let me see." He took the stop watch from me and stared at it. The moment he saw the figure, a wide, heart breaking grin split his face. "Its nine point five!"

"That's what I said!"

"I beat Usain Bolt's world record!"

"What? No way!"

"I can't believe it either!"

I didn't know why we were shouting, but it felt wrong to stop.

Suddenly, he picked me up and spun me around. Just as quickly, he dropped me, and I quickly held on to his biceps, because the world was swirling all around me.

"I'm sorry," he said, "Its just... The fastest I've ever run. And I was excited. I didn't know when..."

He was apologising. Was I paying attention to that? No.

When my vision righted, the first thing I noticed was that we were standing so close to each other. Second, was how shiny and golden his skin looked due to sweat. Third, was that I was still holding onto his sweaty—and thick biceps.


Fourth, was that he was staring at my lips with a dazed expression.

And I wasn't sure that I minded one bit. 

Hello, lovely people! I missed you.

I promised that I would update a few days ago, and I did, because I always keep my word(at least I try to).

Sadly, however, my book still has zero reads on Inkiit because a certain group of people have refused to download the app and support me 🔪. Please GO DOWNLOAD THE APP AND GIVE MY BABY SOME LOVE 😭

Thank you, ily, until next time 🤍.

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