1: The Call

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     Yu Takeyama was lounging on her couch. It hadn't even been a full twelve hours since her debut and she was already know for being a sexy, confident, and strong new hero. Taking down a crook with a gigantification quirk, with her own gigantification quirk gives that impression to the city. But right now, she wasn't in her Mt. Lady hero costume. She was in grey sweatpants, and a baggy purple t-shirt. After a hard day of heroism and giving the fans something to work with, she was tired. Sure, taking the big villain down might have been easy, but that wasn't the only villain she dealt with that day. Her quirk was a very situational one, and she had to fight criminals in places where she couldn't use it. 

     The giant villain got all the publicity because it was her flashiest take-down so far. She didn't mean to take the credit for it, really, but she thought Kamui Woods was having some trouble and she decided to help. He didn't, but she hadn't know that at the time. Yes, she showboated a little afterwards, but it was her debut! She couldn't let the chance to get in the headlines go! She even talked to Kamui about it later and he understood, being a newbie himself only two years ago. They even talked about getting coffee later in the week, something she was definitely looking forward to.

     Until then, she was going to watch TV and drink her tea. She grabbed the remote and pressed the 'channel' button. The show on right now didn't look good enough to watch at the moment, so she pressed the button a few more times. She settled on a re-run of a comedy she saw a couple years back. Taking a sip of her tea, she sighed in content. 'Damn. Everything is really coming together. My career is starting on a high note, I got a date Saturday, and this tea is really good. I'll have to remember to buy more when I run out.'

      She was halfway through her movie and a bowl of leftover fried rice she had made yesterday when her phone started buzzing. She picked it up and answered, "Yu Takeyama."

     "Miss Takeyama, this is the Public Safety Commission President. Do you have a moment?"

     Yu's eyes widened in surprise. She quickly shifted to a full sitting up position and swallowed a mouthful of rice, pausing her movie as she did so. "uh- yeah, yes I have a minute."

     "Good," the president replied," Despite being green, you've been called to help with a planned raid on a villain laboratory. It shouldn't be anything too perilous, but you were recommended by Kamui Woods as a good addition to the infantry unit." 

     She couldn't believe her ears. A raid? Those actually happen? She shook off her shock, making a mental note to thank Kamui later, "I'll do my best. What else should I know about this raid?"

     "The full details are in the file I sent you just now," Her computer off to the side beeped as an email came through, "I expect you to look over them thoroughly before the assignment. If all goes well, you'll be on your way to being a HPSC certified hero."

     Yu's jaw dropped. While all heroes were managed and funded by the Hero Public Safety Commission, being a certified hero was a different ballgame. Very few heroes ever got certified, in fact only the top five heroes were as of this year. "Of course, Lady President. I'll get on it right now."

     There was no response, just the beeping of her phone indicating the line had been cut. The hero slumped down and sighed. Hopefully the raid wasn't anytime soon; she needed some rest. Regardless of how tired she was, she had a job to do. She grabbed her computer and clicked through her email until she found the one the President had sent her. Inside were details about the villain and his base.

     Apparently, The villain's name was "Babbadi." 'weird name, but then again my hero name isn't exactly creative.' Originally there was an old villain a few decades back by the name of "Bibbidi" who gave the heroes trouble due to his reclusive nature and terrible experiments. He would mutate and twist people into monsters to due his bidding. The only reason he could even control the mindless monsters he created was because of his hypnosis quirk. The heroes never caught him, but he did die later in a laboratory explosion from one of his experiments gone wrong, with almost all his creations and research destroyed. Eventually, his son- taking the name Babbidi- decided to carry on his father's work and become a villain. Babbidi seemed to have a quirk similar to his father, but his was stronger in the fact that he could control multiple living things at a time.

     He had an underling (whose was still unconfirmed whether or not he was being controlled, or if he was a genuine ally) by the name of Dabura Maō. He himself had his own infamy, given the nickname "King of Hell" by the gangs in the red-light district. He would rile up some unsuspecting drunk and get them to start swinging. Then he'd use his quirk, "Stone Spit" to turn them to solid rock. He enjoyed the horror that flooded their faces when they finally realized what was happening to them; he thrived on it, in fact. If he was in a bad mood, he would break the stone person, permanently killing them. If he didn't break them, however, they would turn back in a few days. He was rarely in a good mood. The file she was looking over actually said that there was only one person who he hadn't broken in all his years of villainy, a woman by the name of Inko Midoriya. She got into a scuffle with Dabura eleven years back when he kidnapped her child, turning her to stone long enough for him to escape with the boy.

     Mt. Lady shook her head. That poor woman, losing her child to something out of her control. When the boy was announced dead, the mother refused to believe the authorities, swearing that her son would return one day. The file didn't detail what the woman was doing now, but it did say that several other children had been kidnapped by Dabura along with her son. All of them but little Izuku Midoriya's body had been recovered. She saw a picture of the boy, and felt even worse about him. Bright green eyes and a mop of green hair, face split in a huge grin. He was adorable, which made it hard to think about what might have become of him.

     There wasn't much information on the laboratory itself, other than blueprints of the above ground part of it. The underground part seemed to make up the majority of the actual lab, leaving a lot in the dark for them. She was a little worried about that fact, especially when she just learned about mind-controlled monsters are an average thing for this villain. That worry vanished when she saw who she would be working with.

     The Infantry unit would consist of All Might as the head of the team (obviously), Best Jeanist, Death Arms, herself, and some guy called, "Eraserhead". 'Huh. Never heard of him before...' The HPSC President seemed to have decided on making a relatively small unit in order to retain the element of surprise, but having All Might in charge practically guaranteed that the operation would go smooth, surprise or not.

     With a good idea of what was going to happen, Yu closed her laptop and set it aside. She fully laid down on the couch determined to take a nap. As her eyes started to close, she thought about the Midoriya kid 'I just hope that he's in a better place, wherever he is...'

     She couldn't be further from the truth.

Woohoo! Chapter One? Done! Sorry if there was a big gap in between chapters, I wanted some time for the POLL to fill out before anything big happens in the story. If you haven't commented your preference yet, please do so!

Until the next chapter, Peace Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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