1)Sanskar's Proposal

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Inspired from Roja movie i have written this. Which is one of my most favorite of all times!

Let's begin......

Everyone are so happy at the village.
As the Sarpanch's elder daughter Swara got the proposal from the top most independent journalist of the country, Sanskar Maheshwari. Who is highly depended working for the people and government and the constitution to uncover the dark truths and secrets in the name of politics and etc's.

Sanskar was a gentleman with the clever mind, grown up at US. loves to live a simple life. Believes in love but no romantic love histories due to his busy schedule. Since it was his mother who insisted to get married from previous year but finally he could get some personal leave to explore his personal life. It was just 4 years he returned to India gaining the work he wanted to do.

Swara was ready in a red colour saree. She was looking very beautiful but she wasn't happy.
The reason was she was in love with someone from her university. Since he was from different cast, her father would never agree, he would instead kill her rather getting her married to the guy she loved!

While a girl in blue salwar ran out of a lab folding her coat. Since she have to catch and change 3 buses to reach her village.
She is Ragini, Swara's younger sister. She is a pampered child. A physics intern. But since their family could afford one child to English medium school, Swara got the opportunity. And Ragini had to go to Hindi medium. Which gets the difficulties in fluency in english. She got rejected for several jobs for her fluency in English language. That was her barrier. Also have the stage fear. But she is very intelligent and assistant to one of her physics professor. Always watch Hollywood movie to work on her English.
She was very excited for her sister's proposal.

After nearly 2 hours of journey she stepped down the bus. Hopefully she is not late.
Where as Sanskar got an important work. He was standing outside his car having an important and sudden meeting.
While his Mother Sakshi was looking around.
Ragini suddenly spots him.
She felt excited as well as shy looking at him. After all he is going to be her Brother-in-law.
He was having a conversation in English.

Ragini:unke English kitna Accha hai Ekdum Tom cruise jaisa (his English is so good just like Tom cruise)

Sakshi:Sanskar we are late. Hopefully we would reach there before the sunset.
He closed the laptop;we are done.
When he felt the gaze and looked at her.
She was so nervous now and she immediately runs from there.
While he left out a laugh looking her

While Ragini reached home and got to know They didn't come yet.
But in sometime Sanskar reach there along with his mother.
Sanskar:we did reach here but but but... This village is so beautiful that I just wanna look upon the beauty..
Sakshi:Can't agree more.. But hopefully there's someone who might distract you from this...
Sanskar controls his smile:stop playing riddles now..
Sakshi:well I think I was too direct.
Sanskar :okay.. Cool.

When the elders of the home go to welcome them including few villagers. There were nearly 40 members to welcome them.
Sanskar :joint family?
When the old lady laughs:nahi nahi chora hum tho gaav wale tehre se.. Sarpanch ki chori hai na!
He looks at her puzzled.
When another person tells:jamai sa ko hamri bhasha na aave.. Woh tho angrezi Mein chatar patar karat hai.
Sanskar raised his eye brows and nods.
Where others just complement him based on his look, studies and job and as well as tell him that they even saw him in TV news giving interviews.
Sanskar just smiled he just introduced his words with "Namaste"
Where everyone laughed considering that it was too difficult for him to say.
While they were asked to sit.
Sakshi:seems your language test is going on!
Sanskar:I guess so mom.
And they laughed.
While SwaRagini's dad looks at them quizzically with a smile.
While they just simply nod in nothing.

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