I will make a happy ending in this life

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It is already morning and one of the maid wake me up

Miss you should wake up now you'll be departing today she said.

As one the maid maid fix my hair someone came inside my room and it's ijekiel.

Hey Jennette safe trip he said.

Yess and thank you for all those day we spend time together ijekiel your like a brother to me.

As we talk a man said, we should get going now Jennette the carriage is her.

We went down and uncle Roger just arrived.
Jennette safe trip he said with a smile.
Yeah thank you for taking care of me since I was a kid, hope you visit soon in the near future.

Yess we well.

Haft an hour past and we arrived at the city that we will going to stay we stop in a big mansion.

Dad is this the house we going to live...

Suddenly I just realize what I said!??!

Roger I need a mansion to live in the city can you give me one.

Yes of course....but I'm not doing it for you I'm doing It for Jennette..
I was shock of his reaction...

As I was about to sleep a sudden voice just speak.....
So that's your daughter...
Yesss and I will take care of her so I hope YOU WON'T INTERRUPT...
your so serious you know but I don't care your daughter is quite interesting.....
Leave her alone ok!!?
Fine fine....but for now maybe in the near future not....
Then he suddenly disappeared

In the morning we say our fairwell and a half an hour we arrived at the city..

Dad is this the house where going to live...

Did she just call me dad!!!!
Somehow I feel happy!!!

I said yess my daughter this the house where going to live on..

Wait did he just say daughter!!!!
Suddenly I feel that my tears are falling!!

Je-jennette!?!! Why are you crying!!!
Are you hurt or something?!!

N-no dad i.. I was just happy!!!

After that we became close and we spend time together.

Jennette tomorrow I going on a business trip for tree days I hope you will behave in here.

Yess sure dad I will.

When dad is departing I said my fairwell.

In the afternoon while I was picking flower in our garden I saw a cute bunny I was about to take it when it suddenly ran away. I ran as fast as I could to catch up on the rabbit when I suddenly trip in a rock..ಥ‿ಥ
I fell on the ground. When suddenly a young voice speak...

What are you doing??, The boy ask
Will it's obvious that i trip on a rock duhh
What a brave girl you are when I look up a handsome boy was there I couldn't say a word..!!

He snap and said are def I call you many time but you won't answer..
Ahhh hehehe sorry I was just thinking...
Did you hurt your head or anything tskk
By the way what's your name? He ask.
I'm Jennette margarita I replied..
How about you what's your name?
Nah you don't need to know..
What noo I have to know!!!!
Fine fine he said.
My name is Jeremy agriche..

So what are you doing in the middle of a forest he ask.
Yeah uhm I was following the rabbit but it disappeari said.
Ahhh the rabbit I cought him.
Wait where is it.!
I already kill it.
To be continued..

In This Life I Will Make A Happy EndingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum