Chapter 2: First Home

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We landed in what looked to be Queen Vera's private garden. It was a lush place with many flowers and trees.

"You may not call me mom, mother, mommy, or mama. I shall always be Queen Vera to you, and nothing else."

"Yes, Queen Vera." I said

"Princess Summer will show you to your room" Queen Vera said

I looked at Summer, and she looked almost tranquil, like the Queen had not said anything to me that could be hurtful.

"Come on, we have found an acceptable room for you." Summer said

She led me into the palace, up several flights of stairs, and to a white door.

"I'm sorry, but we havn't installed an elevator yet, so I guess you'll get your exercise easily."

The white door in front of me started changing colors, almost like watercolor was coming onto a canvas. It began turning green with pink trim on the top and bottom.

"Oh my! Looks like the room is ready for you."

I opened the door, and my room looked beautiful. On the ceiling was a crystal chandelier that sparkled like the sun, and the floor looked as though I was stepping on waterlilies and the curtains looked like vines tumbling down from someplace. My bed had a daisy headboard, and green sheets, and the whole room smelled like lilacs.

"It's beautiful." I said

"Well don't thank me, it was you who designed it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, these rooms have aura sensors and adjust to the person's aura. We seasonals only have one aura, ever, and the room changes to meet our aura."

"Wow, that's pretty good."

"I'll say. You wanna see my room? We're like sisters now, so if you should need me, you may wish to see where to go."

"Sure" I said

She led me down several flights of stairs, and to the right. When we came to her door it looked like a warm summer day, though I don't know how I could know that considering I've only seen one day so far and it wasn't sunny.

"Welcome to my room." She said as she opened the door.

Her room was yellow and her light source looked like the sun, in contained light form. Her bed had a sun-shaped headboard and orange sheets, she had a desk that was cluttered with magazines and what looked like paper-work. Her room smelled of fresh air with a slight sea breeze.

"I'm sorry about Vera. She just doesn't like getting close to people. The only reason why she accepts me is that I'm her heir. She accepts you because you have no where else to go."

"Well, how thoughtful of her." I said. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"What-are- we- laughing about?" I asked after 5 minutes and in between laughs

"I-don't- know!" she said. That just made us laugh harder.

"GIRLS!" Queen Vera yelled

We turned into statues.

"Yes, Queen Vera?" Summer asked

"Look at what your 'friend' did to our garden!"

We looked out the window, but couldn't see anything because a giant tree was blocking our view.

"See?! Just from that laughter that tree grew! Along with all the other things in my garden! I shall now have to hire a trimmer!"

"I'm sorry Queen Vera. I didn't mean to."

"Didn't mean to? You over-grew my garden, you twit! And now I have to wait a few days to train you!"


"Because we have to practice in the garden, but that can't happen if we can't get into the garden!"

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