Parents of Wei Wuxian AU (Part 1)

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Hua Cheng says nothing and merely listens to his worries.

"I think the child could turn out to be a wonderful person if we raised them right, but I honestly don't know if they will need to handle the sins from my bloodline...or even my own sins. As they say the children sometimes pay for the sins of their fathers. And I definitely had to pay for the sins of my father's..."

"Your highness..."

"If it's possible for us to create a child of our own...I'd like for them to be free of those burdens...."

Hua Cheng lightly nuzzles against his cheek and speaks softly to his ear.

"If you'd like to have a child then we can conceive one. As far the sins of the fathers...if it comes to that...we will be ready to help the child. I don't believe there is much of an escape from fate like that. It's not the same as being born under the star of solitude..."

Xie Lian turns to Hua Cheng, "Will we really be able to help them...?"

"Your highness...remember who you are...and remember who we are associated with. Our child is very well protected...."

Xie Lian smiles a bit and nods.

"Then we need to inform the others just in case if something happens down the line,"

"Very well,"

With both finally agreeing on it, they send word to the heavens and to the citizens of the ghost realm, and those in the human realm. The word was out. The strongest martial god, and the most powerful ghost king are preparing to bare a child. 


When the news reaches the heavens everything goes into chaos. Mu Qing and Feng Xin are the first to leave the skies above to reach the human realm to scold the prince for such a decision. Xie Lian of course saw this coming, and just sat as they continued to try and persuade him from making such a rash decision. Hua Cheng sits with him amused and pleased by their reactions. He truly didn't care about what they had to say, after all they are both over the age of a thousand year old and they have already lived a very fulfilling life. So why should they be judged for wanting something different? 

"You're really serious about this..." Mu Qing says. 

Xie Lian nods. 

"I thought about it for so long. So I figured why not...? I wouldn't mind having a child of my own that I know will have wonderful people to be there for him if we are not around for any reason,"

"And with this guy of all people?" Feng Xin hisses. 

"It's already been over a thousand years, I believe you should try and stop trying to make decisions for his highness. We've been married for just as long as well, so why do you continue to act so cautious of me, hm? I don't carry out any unnecessary actions do I?"

Both gods look to each other as if they were hoping for the other to have an answer or a comeback to his question. And of course, there was nothing they could think to say to him. Seeing this Hua Cheng lets out a snicker as the two turn back to glare at him.

Xie Lian sighs and folds his arms, "Look nothing is going to change my mind, I want to have a small family, so please just don't try to fight against it. Because once this child is born you two along with Yin Yu, will be their main protectors should anything happen. While I don't believe anything will occur, I am trusting you both as my closest companions for several centuries to please just be ready for when we have this child..."

With that said the two seal their lips and give in to his command. As Xie Lian had said, both generals were meant to be the guards of their child when the two are not around or if something happens to them both. Yin yu as well as He Xuan falls under the category as well to be guards or protectors to the child. These names were spread out among the three realms as they also laid out a clear indication that should anyone also mess with the four of them then they would need to answer to Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. 

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