I text Joey and told him that I'll meet him at the train station instead of at my house since I left early. While am waiting at the train station I think about the guy who saved me. Could he have been good or was he being good to me to trick me. I mean my dad is chief and it's not hard to find out who his kid is. This thought scares me, maybe I know this person. Without thinking, I pull up my phone and start to text Charles. "Hey Charles, I am having a crisis, can we meet before school starts" I text him. He usually takes time to respond to messages. Just don't know who else to talk to. I don't know anyone else that we'll to talk to them about this stuff. I could talk to Joey because always listens to me but he always takes my dad's side and I just need someone to listen to me. "Hey, everything good? Why did you want to meet here" I hear Joey say to me? I look up to see my friend wearing his school letterman jacket. We're supposed to wear our letterman to school on game days. I forgot mine since I was in such a hurry to leave. "Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it," I say to him as I obviously fake laugh. I hate myself sometimes. I think it's better if keep him out of the loop this time." Okay?" He says to me as the train pulls up to the station. Without saying anything we quickly walk onto the subway and sit down and don't say anything. I look down at my phone to see a message from Charles. "Can we meet during lunch my family is having me stay home a bit because something happen last night? Is everything okay?" Message says. I just look at it deciding what to say to him. I decided the best thing to do is do nothing for the time being.


I've gone to whole morning feeling like am going to blow up. I haven't talked to anyone at all and everyone including people I don't talk to that much has been asking if am okay. Am glad everyone is Concerned about my well-being but I don't want to talk about it to anyone but Charles. I text him and told him to meet me outside under a tree near a couple of benches. After class, I rushed outside and waited under the tree. I was in such a rush I passed right by Kye who I usually walked to lunch with. I didn't even grab lunch. Stand there a minute into I see Charles holding a lunch box. He seems concerned when he sees me. Starts to walk fast toward me. He quickly put his bag and food on the ground before he comes up to me. "Hey hey what's wrong," he says to me in a worried voice. He takes his big hands and wraps them around my face. After this whole crazy day, I finally feel like myself. "Am I safe?" I ask him as I look into his eyes. He seems shocked by what I ask him. " What do you mean?" He says to me as looks away. "I mean am I safe here. So much has been going and being who I am not sure if I am safe anymore." I tell him very fast trying to hold myself together. "What? I don't understand still. Just take a seat and breath for a second" he says to me as pulls me to the ground with him. "Do need your inhaler?" He asks me as I shake my head no. "Okay go ahead and take your time," he says as he grabs my hand and gives me a soft smile. "Okay, ever since that night when I was attacked, all this crazy shit has been going on and I just don't feel safe anymore. Am not sure what I can trust anymore not even my dad. I can't trust my dad, my friends, my memory, or even myself." I say to him as I stop to breathe and think about what am about to say. I'm trying not to cry. I look up at him he pulls me into a hug. This makes me so happy that I start to cry a bit finally getting to someone. I didn't want to tell him about the trust issues am having but it just felt right. "You like the only person that I can trust, you haven't lied to me since I've talked to you. I also wanted to ask you since you have power and I was not sure if you have heard anything about me. If there is then I know you will tell me." I say to him as I pull away. He wipes my eye and looks unsure of what to say. "Thank you for telling me, I haven't heard anything. You know I won't lie to you." He says to me while the looks around to see if anyone is watching. This makes me smile a bit. I wipe my face clear and smile at knowing someone won't lie to me. I watch as he leans over and grabs his food. He opens it up and shows me the food. "Here we can share," He says to me as hands me a Tupperware with something inside. He is so nice to me. But I still have one more question. "Hey one more question," I tell him. "Yeah sure," he says back to me with a smile. "Can a gifted have Multiple powers?" I ask him. His face goes a little curve like he doesn't know how to answer that. "Oh? That's an interesting question, well most gifted can only have one but every so often people get lucky if their gene pool is strong with gifted powers, but at most it will be two powers and nothing more. Not sure if even been a record of someone having more than two powers, never meaning it couldn't happen." He says as he grabs sandwiches and he eats. Oh? That person had speed, flight, and ice powers. Maybe that was a lied to? It's almost physically impossible for him to have three powers.

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