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     Dallas woke up in the middle of the night. He had stayed up for a few days straight. He must have collapsed sometime in the afternoon. He found himself in a field of orchids. But there was a lot of fog around him.
     He couldn't tell which way was which way, and it seemed he wandered for hours.
     "Dallas...." Came a voice from beyond the fog.
     Dallas looked up, but the fog was too thick to see through. He swore the voice sounded like....
     He walked in the direction of the voice. It kept calling his name and he kept following it. Eventually he finally caught up to it.
     But it was not at all what he expected.
     He saw Lexie bleeding out on the floor. He felt his heart pounding harder against his chest. He ran to her.
     Suddenly, she grabbed him, and the fog completely covered them.
     "This is all your fault!" She yelled at him. "You're to blame!"
     He began to shake. Tears fell down his face. "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't want this to h-happen!"
     "You let me die!"
     Lexie then suddenly turned to dust in front of him. A wind blew, spreading the dust across the field.
     "Why didn't you save us, Dallas?!" Came a voice from behind them.
     He turned to see his sister and brother behind him, but their eyes were nothing but black, bleeding eye sockets.
     He shivered in fear. "I-I'm so sorry!"
     "You didn't come to see us! You couldve saved us!" Said Ian.
     Kelsey then appeared behind them, pale as white, and her eyes were crying black tears. "You can't save anyone. You're worthless." She said.
      Lexie reappeared, and they all surrounded him. The entire place went pitch black except for them. He couldn't make out a word they said, but he knew what they were saying.
      He was worthless.
      But he then remembered what Lexie told him when his siblings were found dead.
      "It's not my fault. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real!"
      He then let out a bloodcurdling scream.
      Suddenly, everything disappeared. He was back in the flower field. The fog was gone, and no one was there. The sun was already beginning to rise.
       9 days are now gone
       Only 1 left.

Arena Of Death: The BUS SagaWhere stories live. Discover now