Day 1

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     Caleb and Kelsey meet up, and set up shop, but it doesn't take long for the arguments to start. From food splittings, with Kelsey claiming that Caleb had given himself more than her.
     "I made sure I split it EEEVENLY!", Caleb insisted.
     "Your version of evenly is you get seventy-five percent, while I only get twenty five!", Kelsey fired back.
     The arguments continued with Kelsey claiming that he had more resources. 
     "Why would I keep more resources?"
     "More like why wouldn't you? You hate me anyways!"
     "At least you got one thing right so far!"
     Evenutally, Caleb had enough of dealing with this and sent Kelsey away, along with taking his resources back.
     Kelsey bumped into Kevin, who had decided to break off from his district. They both decide to truce for the day and work together.
     Solomon also bumped into them and they all worked together for the rest of the day.
     Miranda and Daisy annoy Sebastion and O'Dalis, but eventually the two had enough and chased after them. Eventually the two got away, with Sebastion and O'Dalis yelling at them that this wasn't over, before cussing them both out in spanish
     Ian catches up to Mikayla, who is working with KJ and Cayson. Ian, being very instinctively defensive, tries to chase them off, but Mikayla convinces him thats they are here to help. Eventually Ian apologizes, almost being forced by his younger sister, and the tension eventually goes away by the end of the day.
     Dallas and Lexie meet in the woods and build a shack to stay in for the time being.
     Mayson and Mason split up to help gather resources. The same for Keara and Levi, and Alexis and Jeannie.
     Eventually the sun goes down, and so does the temperature. Drastically. Now the tributes prepare for the cold night.

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