Edited version

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"Very good, Yibo! Now do a jump after count of 3. Wait for it... 3… 2-"

But oh, the man was not so patient.


A loud crash and Wang Yibo fell from his skateboard, now clutching his ankle and visibly in pain.

His trainer rushed to see if he's okay. His skateboard-buddies made him sit on a stool. They examined his ankle and the movement made him wince in pain.

"Looks like you have sprained it, Yibo di," his trainer said with a practiced sigh. "I told you to jump on 3 but you jumped on 2."

Yibo couldn't deny it as it was the truth. Unlike he wasn't that patient when it came to his interests and here he was, getting over-excited and injuring himself once more.

A sharp shooting pain made him regret it. Well, not that it mattered now. What was done was done. With a sigh, prepared himself for the incoming earfuls he would be receiving in the near future. However his contorted face changed when his eyes landed some distance afar.

Given the star he was, it was expected that his fans would be here too and one of them had been recording the entire thing.

A scenario played in Yibo's mind and he quickly shook his head.

'Oh Crap! If this gets leaked, it will be viral in no time and then a certain 29 years old will nag me to no end.'

He couldn't let that out. No way!

Yibo signalled the fan to come closer. She came running. Yibo requested in his monotone voice, "Can you please delete it for me?" He said, pointing at her phone.

She vigorously nodded and deleted it before him.

Satisfied, Yibo muttered a 'thank you' and left with the help of his fellow skateboarders.

Meanwhile, the stunned fan mumbled "Wang Yibo talked with me" and fainted on the spot.

* * *

Yibo was then taken to a clinic. According to the doctor, he had sprained his left ankle and had other bruises and scratches on his left hand and knee. The doctor put up a crepe bandage and treated his scratches. He also gave a pain relief ointment if the pain increased and strictly warned for a week of bed rest.

Yibo's manager dropped him at his apartment and left to make a dozen phone calls, apologizing and requesting to postpone the shooting dates of his upcoming series.

Yibo sighed, sitting on his bed. He couldn't skateboard for a week now, no motorcycle and most importantly... no dancing!

"Stupid ankle! Why did you have to sprain?" He scolded his ankle.


Yibo whipped his head at the sound of the door.

Must be the manager, was his initial thought.

"Wait… Li ge doesn't have the key to my apartment." He gasped. "That means only one person... Oh fuck!"

"Hi bobo!"

Xiao Zhan entered the bedroom, a mask dangling from his ear to reveal his sunshine smile.

"H- hi!" Yibo stuttered with a weird smile.

He had quickly covered himself with the blanket from neck to toes. The bandages were going to give him away, if not hidden.

"Why are you in that blanket?" Zhan asked, removing his backpack and mask.

"Um… this…"

Think, Yibo, think!

"I am naked."

"Oh," Zhan frowned, "Even then, why are you covering yourself? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He was blushing at his own words as he said it.

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