character info

340 22 3

Name:y/n Nico



Hair color:green

Hair length:h/n

Eye color:carmine

Casual wear:


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Nico has a cheerful, childish personality. He rarely takes things seriously and is enticed by almost everything, displaying his innocence. He is characterized by his love of anime, manga and video games, described as an Otaku, and sees such things as a necessity of the same level of food and medication;[6] this is due to his admiration for the protagonists within these stories, which inspired him to be lively and carefree after having originally had little hope for the future.[7] He is affectionate and cares greatly for his friends, tending to become lonely without them.

While not necessarily an ability, his constitution is so eccentric that he often catches strange allergies and illnesses. Some of these illnesses are contagious to those who touch him. He once caught a disease that caused those to touch him to grow excessive hair and those who touched him could spread it to others by touching them. In addition, drugs have no effect on him. The illnesses themselves do not harm him physically.

Mimicking - Treated as an illness, Nico is capable of mimicking others abilities as though the abilities themselves infect him, such as copying Liang's martial arts techniques and Upa's Qigong.

While not fully explored, it was shown in the past when he was taken to hospitals to treat his allergies and illnesses, he was so scared of the needles and medicine he often broke out of several hospitals and prisons, seeming to possess inhuman strength, breaking through several walls and causing irreparable damage.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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