Chapter One The Start of it all

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I DO NOT OWN Twilight
Bella's POV Enjoy!
My name is Isabella Marie Swan but I go by Bella. I am seventeen yearsold and I live in Forks, Washington with my father Chief Of Police, Charlie Swan. Most people think that being the sheriff's daughter is all fun and games but it is not because I have to follow the traffic rules to a tee. My life is not normal as it should be for a normal teenager and the reason is I am a part of a world that I have never even imaged that I would be part of, the supernatural world. Yes, you heard me right the supernatural world with vampires and werewolves in it and other things like that? Yep, that's it every day I am with a family of vampires who have sworn that they would protect me so therefore they are family. Who are they? Well they are the Cullen's. There is seven of them and I have fallen in love with a vampire and oh God what is wrong with me he could kill me in a instant! But the Cullen's are really an amazing family because they have protected me through better or for worse and they have never tried to hurt me and for this I am grateful for eternity. So their coven leader is Dr. Carslie Cullen and his mate is Esme Cullen and they are the most perfect people in this entire world and that is not only on the inside but the outside also. They have kids that they "adopted" and supposedly the blonde girl and boy are twins, Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Rosalie has long blonde hair and she looks like a model she is so perfect looking and if I was her I would not mind all the attention that I would get for being that beautiful and confident about myself but sadly I am stuck as a clumsy human low life mortal and I can not wait to be changed that way I can be just like Rosalie. But anyway Jasper is not really Rose's sibling in blood they just pretend to be siblings that way the Cullen's can stay in Forks longer. Major Jasper Whitlock Hale is his name and he has curly long blonde hair that goes to his ears that he usually has in his face to hide behind like I do sometimes. He is built like he works out but he is not like Emment their brother who looks like his muscular arms would break somebody's neck in a squeeze. But Japser has alot of battle of scars from the vampire wars that he was in since the venom is the only thing that leaves a mark. Then there is Emment, Alice and Edward Cullen. Emment is the big brother bear of the bunch and he is massive! His biceps I can't even wrap my hands around them there so huge! He has curly brown hair and he is my favorite of the three by far. Then there is the "power twins" Alice and Edward. I like Alice just fine its her twin Edward I can't stand. He acts like I'm a object waiting to be claimed I mean come on I'm not!!!!! Anyway,Alice is shorter than me has pixie like qualities and has pixie hair like Tinkerbell! She's my little pixie which she hates to be called but when you don't give her what she wants she's a fiesty one that's for sure I have experienced it firsthand and let me tell you it ain't pretty. But when the two twins are together its like she is in a trance or she is being controlled and if that SOB is threatening my sister he will have to deal with me cause I don't take to kindly to people who try to hurt the people I love and I don't love Edward Cullen that's for sure. Fuckward has bronze hair and he is a music lover like I am unfortunately. He plays piano and oh yeah I think he's gay. Of course he ain't came out and said anything about it or stuff like that but he is such a pansy! I would never date him ever! Oh and did I mention that the Cullen's have golden eyes? Yeah their "vegetarian" and then there's another clan in Denali that is the same way the rest of the vampires drink human blood. Then there is the Volturi, the law enforcers for their kind. The number one rule is don't tell a human what they are if they do the person who told the human is exterminated and the human is killed by a vampire which basically means they become a meal. So how am I alive? Easy, I have meet the three kings and they know that I am a mate of a vampire so therefor I am untouchable because another rule is never kill a vampires mate because it can cause them extreme pain even if they haven't met. Yes I know alot about the vampire world because one day I hope to join their world soon enough once I find my mate.
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- Keri Heartz

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