A Bizarre Tea Party

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Embarrassingly, for the first time since I can remember, I was taken off guard and knocked out. Damn that pr- I mean, scarfed bastard! Obviously, it was his stupid hair that distracted me, or his dumb tattoos...

The weird thing about being knocked out is that it's such a euphoric slumber. You just slip into an irresistible darkness. The world fades away peacefully, despite whatever chaos did it to you. However, you were still bludgeoned upside the head.

Waking up, the first thing you'll notice is the searing pain. I instinctively gripped my head, which was uncomfortably sticky. I tried to open my eyes to look at my undoubtedly stained red hand, but the bright light of the sun blinded me, and my vision was fuzzy. Slowly my eyes focused more, and sure enough, my fingers were covered in blood. However, being more conscious also made me realize that my wound had not gone untreated. The second thing I noticed was that the area I was in was unfamiliar, yet pleasantly colorful and soft.

My vision was still off, and I didn't have the strength to sit up right away, but I could hear something. Someone was speaking, a voice I never heard before. It was a muffled.

"Hmm mm mhm -licious! Mm they're so hmmf!"

I took a deep breath, and sat up, which used more effort than usual. Strained grunts escaped me, but finally, I was upright. I looked out, and across from me was a large man, laying down next to something large, shoving donuts into his mouth with vicious gluttony. I still couldn't see too well, but the flashes of pink told me that it must've been the man from the tavern. He had taken off his scarf revealing that his mouth was very wide, as he was able to put multiple donuts into it at once. Almost snake like.

At this point, he apparently noticed me, and before I could even blink, he was standing with the scarf wrapped around him again. His face was red enough that I could see it even with my limited vision.

"Oh, you're awake." He said. The slightest hint of embarrassment in his voice. "You can't stand, can you?"
I attempt to, but no avail.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to. Here." He continued, before walking over to me. He absolutely towered over me, broad enough to block out the sun. I knelt down and gently placed his arms under my knees and behind my back. He picked me up in a way that made me feel like a hamster, it was no effort on his part at all, I might as well have weighed nothing. He set me down closer to where he was before, and only now do I notice that the large object I saw before was a huge basket full of large confectioneries and pastries, primarily donuts. As well, there was a pot of what I assumed was tea nearby.

After setting me down he just kind of stood awkwardly for a second. He knelt down and poured a cup of tea. He then turned to the basket and pulled out a donut much more reasonably sized than some I saw. He handed both to me.
"You're hurt, so you should eat and drink." He said, a ruggedness in his voiced masking that he was still nervous. "The tea is good for soreness."

He continued to stand over me. This massive, mountain of a man wasn't exactly a comfort just looming above like that.

"I appreciate the kindness," I began, "but could you sit down? It's not polite to keep standing right next to me while I eat."

For a second he looked as if he had never even considered that. It was hard to tell what exactly he was thinking with half of his face covered. He slowly sat down and awkwardly reached donuts under his scarf, and I could hear soft munching noises.

The sight was a little rediculous, and I let out a laugh, which sent a sharp pain to the back of my head. His eyes widened just a bit and then he scowled.

"Hey, aren't you a man? You don't have to be so ginger about eating!"

He hesitated. He seemed to be considering something.

"You aren't going to make fun of me." He said. At first I thought it was a question, but I realized it was a statement. I mean, of course I wasn't going to make fun of him, but he seemed so sure of it. I assume it's because he's so much bigger than me, he could definitely kick my ass if I did. Was he embarrassed because he had a big mouth? I saw it earlier, I don't think it's a big deal, so he's right about me not making fun of him. Besides, I assume he's the one who beat up those thugs at the bar and treated my wound, so that would just be rude.

He slowly began to unfurl his scarf. After he did, I could see his mouth more clearly. It opened up wider than his lips, as if someone had taken a knife to his cheeks. They were scarred with stitch marks. Even more striking, he had cat like fangs, large enough to be considered saber toothed. His lips curved down slightly, while his scars were angled up, almost like a smirk. It was strangely alluring, and I found myself staring at them. He started to turn red again, and looked away from me. He took a bite out of a donut, despite seeing that he could easily fit the entire thing into his mouth earlier. Even though he's holding back, his 'small bite' was still half the donut.

"Delicious..." He muttered to himself. It was like a reflex to him, like he couldn't help but state his pleasure when eating. It was cute in a way.

He looked back towards me, still red. "Your tea is going to get cold."

I suddenly snapped out of whatever stupor he had me in, and now I could feel my own face turning red. He was vicious looking, and he was obviously a very capable warrior. But why did I find myself...?

I shook my head and focused on eating my food. Suddenly I just wanted to finish up and leave. I scarfed it down and stood up.

"Okay, I really need to get back! My boss is probably worried!" I stated, as an excuse to get him to take me home.

"Your boss agreed to leave you to my care. Besides, I'm not done yet." He kept eating

"What do you mean you aren't done? And shouldn't you have taken me to a doctor or something? Why here?"

He didn't even look up. Either he still couldn't look me in the eye or he was just really admiring his donut. I almost want to lean towards the latter.

"My merienda... is my time. I'm sorry, but you can't get in the way of it."

What? He declined to take me to a hospital so he didn't miss his snack break? I can't complain too much, because he did save, then treat me, but that's rediculous.

He stood up suddenly. "It's time." He said. He put his scarf back on and walked past me. I followed because I didn't know what else to do. He lead me to a boat that seemed to be made out of cake. It was decorated and everything. This guy is all over the place! But he was taking the boat completely serious, so I guess I did too.

"It'll be a bit of a trip before we get back, so try to be careful with your injury." He warned me

I just nodded and just leaned against one of the railings and looked out over the oceans. But, more importantly, I could see the steering wheel from here. I watched him take position, and we set out.


As the sun began to set, my island came into view. Along the trip, I saw him look back in my direction every so often. We would lock eyes for an instant, and there was almost like a zap in my spine every time.

It's been years since I saw anyone this way, and I didn't want to believe it before. But I had to admit that there was something about this man that captured me. His brutish appearance was juxtaposed with cute and strange mannerisms. I couldn't stop thinking about his mouth. It was drawing me towards it...

I need to quit with that thinking. But I couldn't help it. Unfortunately, I have to accept that I wasn't likely to see him again. It was almost a pit in my stomach.

We pulled into the dock. I go to step off, but before I do, I turn.

"The names Y/N, by the way."


I sort of saluted him and gave him what I hoped were flirty eyes.

"Well, you know where to find me."

And I turned away again. Jeez, that was cringey! But even so, I could feel him staring at me the entire way down the dock. I fought the urge to look back.

////A.N. It's been a while since I've updated this! Sorry, I know a couple people have gotten interested! I hope this chapter is good. Please leave comments and suggestions. I have an outline of where I sort of want this to go, but if you have a good idea that you wanna see, totally let me hear it! Anyway, bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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