Android 21 (Good) x male reader lemon

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It was a normal day in the world of DragonBall where y/n was enjoying the view on the mountainside

Y/n: the wind feels nice today I wonder how everyone's doing

Then all of a sudden y/n felt really weak and dizzy you shake your head to try and recover but it's no use and just before you pass out you see the legs and feet of a green figure

???: he will do nicely for the link system test better get him back to the lab.

Back at the lab..

Android 21: I wonder who 16 found to test the link system on *drinks her tea and eats a sweet*

You wake up and look around to see your in some sort of lab

Y/n: wha where am i

???: your in Dr geros laboratory and you were used as a vessel for the link system but to our suprise your strong mind reflected the link

Y/n: whats your name?

Android 16: apologies my name is android 16

After a bit more explaining android 21 walked in and stop and was stunned and suddenly her nose started bleeding

Android 21s mind: *blushing madly* who is this man and why do I want him badly.

Android 21 rubs her nose and walks in trying to keep herself together

Android 21: h-hi I'm Android 21 you must be y/n the one that reflected the link it shocked me how you were able to do it

Y/n idk how either ugh my head still hurts *lays back down*

Android 21: 16 please go grab a cold cloth to put on his head

Android 16 nods and leaves to retrieve the towel while Android 21 watches y/n as he rests

Android 21:mind he's so handsome I almost can't control myself from wanting him badly.

Android 21 unknowingly starts fingering herself she squeaks a bit before she stops

Android 21: I need to get a grip of my self


Y/n wakes up to and alarm going off and hears fighting and rushes to the noise and sees 16 and 21 fighting goku and the others?

Y/n: goku?

Android 16: no y/n it's clones of them there running rampant

Android 21: we could really use your help y/n

Y/n nods and helps 16 and 21 fight the clones y/n and 21 fought close and insync together defeating the clones quickly

Android 16: that's all of them here but there's more around the world with the three of us we'll be able to exterminate them with ease

Y/n agrees to help and 21 couldnt help but blush at the fact that her crush is fighting along side her


21 hold her head and screams at the pain as her other side is trying to force out

Y/n 21 you ok?

Android 21: no she's coming out ahhhhhh!

Suddenly a pink smokes envelops the area after the cloud settles it shows a transformed 21 with the good 21 on the ground

Y/n who are you what did you do to 21!

21 evil: oh my you sweet thing I'm the other person she was talking about normally I would devour you and her but it looks like you can provide some fun for me get stronger and then fight me till then bye bye

Female Dbz Dbs Dbgt Characters x Male Reader LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now