Chapter 6

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[Lunch time]

Andrew smiles as he watches Amanda getting dressed, he's still lying in bed naked. "Come on [laughing] let's go get something to eat." Amanda says. "[Smirks] I could really make a dirty joke right now." Andrew says and chuckles. He grabs his boxers and pulls them on, he goes to his closet and pulls out a pair of joggers. After he slips them on, Amanda wraps her arms around his neck. "I love you." She says. Andrew grips her hips pulling her closer. "I love you." He says and kisses her lips deeply. In the back of his mind he asks himself 'when's she going to switch up.' He's waiting for her to beat him or yell at him but he doesn't realize that she won't. Unless he's in his headspace and she has to use her stern tone or when their play fighting.


Andrew's POV;

We head downstairs after I slip a shirt on, I head down behind Amanda so I can stare at her butt. "My eyes aren't down there." Amanda says. I look away as we reach the bottom of the stairs, I act like I have no idea what she's talking about. "What were you two doing up there?" Katrina asks with her signature smirk. "Playing a game." I say and wink at her. Amanda playfully slaps my ass and I stick my tongue out at her. "What does everyone want for lunch?" Amanda asks as Megan and Toby come into the living room. "Are you two sure you don't need to go back upstairs and work up a bigger appetite?" Megan asks. Katrina laughs and Toby gives me a thumbs up. "How was it?" He asks. Him and I both burst out laughing and Megan slaps Toby's chest. "Why'd you slap me!?" Toby asks. "Because I don't want MY boyfriend knowing how another guys woman's vagina is!" Megan says. I laugh harder and have to rush to the kitchen to grab a water. I come back into the living room and sit on my couch, Amanda comes to sit next to me but I pull her onto my lap instead. She looks down at me and smiles and I smile back and wrap my arms around her torso. "So what are we going to eat?" I ask. "We should go to a buffet so we have a variety of options." Toby says. "Facts." Katrina says. "Then let's go and y'all need to move your cars. I want to be able to drive again. My baby's been locked up in the garage for weeks!" I say. "So you choose your car over your girlfriend?" Kat asks me with a smirk. "I never said that." I say. "But which do you choose? Your car or your girl?" Katrina asks. Her sinister smirk plastered boldly on her face. "I choose both. My cars my baby and she's my mommy. So jokes on you!" I say and stick my tongue out at her. "He wants to drive around in his sexy car with a sexy ass woman in the passenger seat!" Megan says. "Hey, back off. Toby, you better get your girlfriend." I say and pull Amanda further into me. Amanda laughs and Megan comes over to us and tries taking her from me. "Get back demon!" I say chuckling. Toby grabs Megan and throws her over his shoulder. "You four are disgusting with all your affection." Katrina says. "Aww poor Kat! Do we need to find you a little sub?" Megan teases her sister. Kat rolls her eyes and gets up telling us all that we should head to the buffet. Everyone moves their cars just so I could get mine out and then Amanda rides with me. Toby and Megan ride with Kat in her car, I follow behind them. "Do you ever think about talking to someone? About everything." Amanda asks. "What?" I ask confused. "Kat told me that she's tried to get you to see a therapist before." She says. I chuckle in disbelief. "No, Amanda, I don't think about talking to anyone. Ever." I say angrily and kind of raising my voice. People telling me or even suggesting to me to talk to someone kisses me off. I know I have problems and issues that I need to work through and talk about but I can do it all on my own.


We have been here at the buffet restaurant for thirty minutes now and Toby and I are really munching down. We've been getting a little of everything. I haven't said a word to Amanda since she brought up the conversation about a therapist. She's sitting next to me and she keeps trying to rest her hand on my thigh. I find and excuse to get up every time she does so now I'm up again getting more hush puppies. "Hey man, what's going on with you and Amanda? We've noticed that you two have been acting off ever since we got here. What happened on the way here?" Toby asks. I just shake my head and tell him I'll talk to him about it later. We head back to the table and sit down, I take a big gulp of my sprite because the tension really is insane. I feel Katrina and Megan look at me but I ignore it and just finish eating.

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