Chapter 7 - Rewrite the Stars

Start from the beginning

"I really can't believe it..." I muttered and turned away from the picture. As I made the bed, I couldn't help but glance back at it, again and again.

Every room would have at least one picture of Elvis in it. I couldn't avoid it, and I couldn't avoid him coming home and us running into each other eventually. That next time would be the time when we would have to talk. Maybe I would hide in my room starting at eight, just in case he came home early.

That was cowardly. I would wait up for him and get that talk over and done with. It would happen eventually, anyway.

I finished up the bed, pressing out the purple comforter with my hands. On to the next room. And the next. And the next. I tried my darndest not to glance at the pictures of Elvis in those rooms, but of course, I did.

Then came his room. I didn't need to go in, but the prospect of going in there after everything that happened tickled me. Maybe just a walk around. I took the doorknob.

No. I shouldn't. But I wanted to.

I gulped, my hand tight around the knob, and my face heating and heart racing. Since when was I actually nervous about entering Elvis's bedroom?

I slowly opened the door and came into the room, leaving the basket of just one sheet left in the hallway. Naturally, his room smelled like him, the scent that I smelled on him when he was really close those times since he came arrived home... including when he kissed me, and I kissed him back.

Blinking away that thought, my gaze roamed around the room, at his bed, the dresser, the new television set, the bathroom that led to the walk-in closet... I roamed over to his bed, to the side that looked like it was made but was slept on. Not really thinking about it beforehand, I leaned my head down into the pillow, nose first, and I instantly smelled him. I took a big whiff, but then jumped back to reality.

"What the heck am I doing?" I demanded of myself, appalled. "I shouldn't be doing this." I immediately left the room and shut the door, my heart going heavily. "Golly, I'm starting to act like his little teen-aged fans. This is ridiculous!"

Determined to finish the beds, I went to it, never going back into that room again. But my mind still threw images of Elvis at me, memories of the passed few days... and that kiss that Vernon and most likely the Colonel saw. This probably wouldn't end well. Yes, I wanted to continue to feel what I was feeling when the kiss happened, to feel loved and wanted by a man again, but it wasn't right. Elvis, as a very famous person, shouldn't be involved with his housekeeper – a maid, essentially – who graduated high school when he was only a few months old.

No, this shouldn't happen, no matter how much I wanted it to.

~ ~ ~

I couldn't pay attention for the life of me, and I could tell that the guys, including the Colonel and Daddy, were getting impatient. Only my good pal Scotty Moore, who had only just arrived in Memphis so he wasn't at my homecoming, seemed to be concerned with how many times I goofed up singing.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I need a break," I said into the microphone at the recording studio, a beautiful tan guitar in my arms. "Five minutes."

"On standby," said one of the men in the little room with a window, men in charge of recording the audio.

"Excuse me," I said and took the guitar strap off of me and set the instrument on my chair. I left the recording room and stepped into the hallway outside. Both Daddy and the Colonel knew what was going on, but not Scotty. He was out in the hallway a few seconds after I entered it. The memory of those billowing sheets in the wind came to my mind, and I grinned.

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