finding someone new

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Btw this takes place during loss that lates chapter of theat tom x Roy story I've ben writing lmao

Ben was still crying over Hanks over Hanks dead body

Tom:Ben.. I think it's time we let go of him..

Ben:maybe your right.. let's go home... We could bury him their it's what he would have wanted (who tf burys a person in their back yard)

When they arrived home

Tom fixed up Roy from that attack  and they both started digging Hanks grave in the back yard

Ben was just sitting in the front yard thinking about all the times he had together with Hank

Tom: hey Ben you coming?

Ben just simply shook his head no

Tom walked off to bury Hank
After it was done Ben was still outside while tom and Roy were inside worrying about bæn.

Tom: I'm starting to get worried about Ben, he doesn't look like he's doing to well..

Roy:I mean we could try to help him but I don't think it would do much..

Tom: maybe your right let's just see how this goes

So they both went upstairs to sleep(yes I made that happen but it ain't about them ok)
while Ben was still outside mourning the lose of his lover

The next morning Ben was in his benbed(wtf) just laying and hugging a pillow  softly crying

He stayed there for hours until he decided that he was gonna go on a walk

He said later to tom and Roy

It was cold out so he grabbed his coat.

Ben was just walking, thinking about life visiting places that he liked, just to try and ease the pain from hurting so much

He was leaning over a fountain And looked at his phone it was getting quite late so he decided that he should go home.

As Ben was walking home he mysteriously bumbed into someone and fell.

He looked up to see a NIG... I mean a tall black man it was I show speed😍😍😍

Speed:ohh sorry didn't see you there

Speed said holding his hand out to help Ben up.
Ben took his hand and got up

Speed: you ok?

Ben: yeah.. I'm fine..

Ben said that in a tone which made it obvious that he's wasn't ok

Speed: You don't look too good you sure your alright

Ben: yeah... No... I.. don't know...

He said with tears falling out his eyes

Speed: hey... Do you wanna talk about it?

Ben: yeah I guess..

At that moment they both started walking to the diner and sat down.

Ben told speed the whole damn thing with tears flowing down his face

Speed tried to comfort him and Ben was starting to calm down

Speed: damn... I'm so sorry to hear that.. I hope everything gets  better

Ben:*sniff* yeah.. I do too

Speed: but hey you seem cool, if you ever need someone to talk too then heres my number

He wrote the number on a napkin

And at that moment Ben started to feel kind of happy again

Ben: oh really thanks!

Ben suddenly felt a small spark between them speed was so nice and he liked that

Speed felt the same way he was cute.. it's almost like he likes him

Ben: well, it's time for me to go home I guess

It was 10pm.

Speed: yea me too I didn't realize how late It was.

Ben: so I'll see around?

Speed: yea anytime

They both said smiling

Ben went home only to meet tom watching tv

Tom: Ben you're back!

Ben: yeah, sorry I was a little late

Tom: it's fine, so how was the walk?

Ben: it was great thanks, I'm actually starting to feel a little better now

He said with a smile

Tom: I am so glad to hear that bud

Tom pulled him into a hug, Ben hugged back

Tom: well goodnight.

Ben: goodnight tom.

Ben went to his room laying on his bed looking at the number speed gave him, he sighed and put the number on the cupboard besides him and went to sleep.


ben  x speed a love story 💀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang