A Summer To Never Forget

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A/N: So I wrote this at two in the morning one night and just let my mind wonder. It is set back in 1969 but in my world its very gay friendly. I kinda just made it my own world but I wanted the setting to not be very modern. I've rewrote it and added more but I haven't went back over it yet to check for errors, so I apologize in advance if there are any. I will fix them as soon as I can. So this is my own spin on one of my favorite movies Dirty Dancing. There are some similarities but its also very different as well! I hope you all enjoy!

It was the summer of '69. The sun was high and the weather was the perfect temperature for enjoying time outside. Red rode along in the family car alongside his sister Mina, his dad was driving and his mom was talking about all the excitement to come as they made their way hours from home to enjoy a summer away at the Time of Your Life Resort. Red's dad was a well know doctor in the area and had many friends, so pulling some strings for a good room and great view was nothing more than a piece of cake, his family was pretty well known and loved by many. Things like this were nothing out of the ordinary for his family to experience.

He went by Red instead of his given name due to his long, beautiful, red shoulder length hair. No one having referred to him by his real name in years except himself when it came to important matters. He was sure half the people who knew him didn't actually know his name. he liked it though, it was something that was his own and was special to only him.

Red had just turned twenty, he had finished his two years of basics in college and his dad had already planned it out for him to take classes after their summer trip for him to get his Medical Doctor degree. He never thought himself as that much of a smart person, at least not smart enough to be a doctor, but his father payed his way and insisted he take over his place as the doctor in the family. Red had argued with his dad over that choice more than a few times but his dad said it was for the best and he knew what was right for him. Red didn't have too much of a say in the matter even though he was an adult already, his dad had the ultimate hold on his life and although he loved him very much he did also wish he had his own freedom. He grew up only knowing money and nice things and his daddy to fall back on so what else could there be to choose when you have no idea what else there even was.

He enjoyed a very pampered lifestyle and to him that was his normal, his friends were all high class and from families the same as his own. His dad was always strict about him being brought up proper like he was. He never thought much differently about the outside world aside from his dad saying they weren't worth the time, he grew up in this so he was only exposed to what he knew. His and his family image was key to a lot. He had no idea that this summer would be the change of it all.

As they pulled up the long driveway a large building appeared, it was grand and spectacular to see as it grew bigger the closer they got. It was like waves of instant relaxation engulfing him, for the next few months he didn't have to have a care in the world, it was his time to unwind and have some fun. Of course this whole trip was tailored more to his parents needs but he was determined to make the most of it and have as much fun as possible.

The valet parking took their car and some employees helped with their bags and soon they were headed to the main building to enjoy an opening ceremony before the activities and fun began. Staff and crew alike all joined on a stage to sing and dance and introduce themselves. It was cheesy and full of bright smiles but it was a good time none the less, after all Red was very used to this type of environment.

Soon after in the dinning hall the owner of the resort came to greet them, he was close friends with Red's dad so the excitement that they were there was well known. Red's dad and the owner indulged in small talk when a nice looking blond with his hair slicked back properly joined them. He was introduced by the owner as his nephew Monoma, he was to be playing owner while his uncle taught him the rope of running a resort. His mother shot him a wink and they all introduced themselves. He was definitely not his type. He was sweet and gentle and overly polite with a twinge of bubbly washing up in his personality. It was like the polite version of overly cocky. Red had seen it more than a few times and knew those were thee people looking to be top of the attention charts. Monoma kept his eye on Red a lot longer than he did anyone else and always smiled more when they looked at each other. Monoma couldn't help bosting about getting to be there and help make it a great stay for everyone. His smile reaches his ears as he left and he shot a wink at Red as him and his uncle made their way to the next table to welcome other guests. It wasn't a bad start although he was very certain Monoma expected him to like him because he was nice and smiled back as he listened to the two, like he has always been taught to do. He was still enjoying his time, but now it was time for him to explore and have some actual fun!

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