1. Pretty Woman (part 1)

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Running through the corridors, Isha looked at her watch for the 5th time.

"Gosh! I am late again." She said and started running more fast towards 2nd floor.

Finally, she reached her class. The teacher was already there calling out important notes.

"May I come in Mam?" She asked her.

"Yeah, get in princess. Did you had any problem reaching here?" Her mam said in a sarcastic way.

Isha looked down in embarrassment and got in the classroom.

The class was almost full and there was hardly any seat left for her. She spot a seat before the last two bench. She didn't wanted to sit there as there was no fan above it and it has sunny season.

However, she had no other option than to sitting there. So, she went and sat over there.

She lowered her mask and started taking proper breathes.

"Wearing mask is really suffocating and it's even worse in summer. God know when this virus will end forever." She whispered to herself and took out her books to study.

After a few minutes, she felt some eyes on herself. She looked back and saw Jignesh looking at her. As soon as she spot Jignesh staring at her, he immediately changed his focus towards the teacher.

Well, Isha is a student of std 10. She joined her school last year when she got promoted to std 9.

Since std 9, Jignesh and her were in the same class. Her roll no was 18 and Jignesh's was 20. There roll no was very near to each other.

However they never talked. Forget talking they never looked at each other. Jignesh would never come to school. He would just stay home. He comes to school once in 3 weeks.

She first saw him properly during their final exam. As she joined the school in 2020, she studied the whole year via online classes.

When 2021 started, she started coming to the school for offline classes. During that time, Jignesh never came.

She saw him very clearly during their final exam and Jignesh looked extremely handsome. Even with his mask on, he looked like he is the most handsome prince. But Isha never thought of him in that way. She just thought that Jignesh was good as a classmate and schoolmate only.

They both never tried to be friends with each other. In std 10, they both were also in the same class. This time, her roll no was 23 and his was 24.

There roll no was very near and hence, during exam time they would sit very close to each other's bench. It was Isha who started the conversation between them as she wanted a pencil during exam.

There conversation lasted until that only. Sometimes, she would ask him answers in the exam hall also but they didn't talk much. Both of them were a huge introverts.

Recently, she gave her first pre board exam for term 2 and things went a little bit suspicious for her between them.

Whenever she turns back, she spot him already looking at her. Usually all his focus is always on his question paper. No matter how the whole class becomes, he never takes out his head from his question paper.

She would always notice him staring at her but later on she would shrug it off thinking that maybe he is looking at her because he is a boy.

"I mean why not? Boys keep on looking at girls just like that. Even when they have no feelings for that girl." She used to think this.

Isha had her own crush in the class whose name was Ivaan. She was mad after him. They both were also of same class and sit pretty close to each other.

Ivaan is the opposite to Jignesh. He is very talkative and have an extroverted nature. He has lots and lots of friends and he never studies for a test. He keeps on asking answers to others more specifically to Isha.

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