𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝑜𝒽𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊

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[A/N] : This short story deals with the death of Thomas Shelby. It's written in third person perspective but describes the feelings and emotions of the woman married to him. The woman is not named in any way, so that you can picture anyone in her position. It's up to your imagination to give her a name and a face.


And it's still there. Untouched, dusty and preserved by time itself.

A lot of time had passed since she last entered that room. The sign on the door was still the same as it was two years ago, when he was still there. '𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓈 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 𝒪ℬℰ'

She slowly opened the door and it squeaked lightly. It was the first time she's heard that sound, the soft reminder of two long years without use. A soldier of time. She sighed lightly and stood in the doorway for a second. Just like the sign on the door, the smell of the office was still the same as well. The smell of books and cold smoke as if he had just crushed his cigarette into the ashtray on the desk.

It was the first time ever since his death that she was able to be in there, to expose herself to everything that reminded her of him. Her husband, the father of her children, the man that passed away all this time ago.

She finally made her way into the room and let the door fall shut behind herself. The kids were playing outside and the muffled sounds of their voices soon seemed to fade away as she looked over to the big window.

A shadow appeared before her eyes. A shadow that soon became the outlines of a person. It was him. Thomas Michael Shelby. She knew it was just her mind playing tricks on her but she enjoyed the sight of him. Ever since his death, he had appeared to her in her dreams but now... well now she was wide awake.

"Tommy." She whispered underneath her breath and he turned around to face her and she looked into his eyes. His deep blue eyes full of pain and regret.

"You have to let go."

His voice sounded like he was far away from her while this was the only thing he said. Her eyes where filled with tears but she knew he was right. She knew she had to move on for the sake of her own health and so that she could be there for their children again completely.

Two years of pain and heartache had to make space for the happy memories of their life together. Their life before the incident and their life before his death. She closed her eyes and focused on the good things. Their marriage, the birth of their first child and most of all the way he looked at her in their happy moments.

When she opened her eyes again, he was gone and she was left to the cold and empty office, the place that still smelled like he was there, the place that still looked exactly the way he had left it.

Now, all of that had to change.

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