part 8 queen of chess

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I sat as I open did reading my chess books, every so often glancing up to y/n who had, practically moved in with me at this point, she was sat her bare feet up on Her little stool as she worked on the table doing something with a screwdriver I'm not sure as to what exactly she was doing so I spoke up
"Yes Benny?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm seeing if I can connect Ivy's main interface with this paper roll if I can then theoretically I can make her print her move answers onto it like an old stock take machine would, because I can't afford a screen for her."
"Would it be easier with a screen?"
"Oh ten times easier, I could see what I was inputting, her answers theoretically would be quicker but I can't afford one so we're going with paper roller" she explained
"I see. Well tell me if you need me pumpkin"
"I will Benny" she giggled as she worked "why do you call me that?"
"I don't know, suits you" I shrug "I like calling you it, it's cute" just then I heard the door knock "probably the post, back in a minute" I told her putting my book down giving her head a kiss as I went past not wanting to disturb her work I went to the door expecting the post guy or maybe my landlord about something but I was taken aback and instantly I panicked
"Hey Benny"
"Hey... Beth. Uhhhhhh what uhh what are you doing here?"
"Had a lay over before paris thought I might as well pop in to see you"
"Right yeah"
"Can I come in?"
"Ohhh uhhhhhhhh-"
"Relax in not that mad at you" she says pushing inside I shut the door and helped her with her coat "well I'm still mad but I haven't seen you in a while and harry was starting to get on my nerves again figured I'd-" she explained as she sorted he jacket and bag but then she turned and she saw my apartment, and who was in it.
"So... Y/n, this is beth harmon, beth this is y/n y/l/n" quickly introduced them in the hope maybe I won't get murdered, so quickly
"Pleasure to meet you miss harmon" y/n smiled coming away from her work fixing her dress a little
"I know who she is" beth glared "what is she doing here? And what is all this stuff?"
"Computer... Parts"
"Your serious?" She asks me, and I nodded I felt awful I had beth staring me down like I'd just conned her out of a speed chess game, and y/n looked like she was about to cry, I knew I had to... Pick a side here.
"Yes. I'm serious beth. I wanted to help her so I did, Ivy's making great progress right y/n?"
"Yes, having a couple little hiccups but it's all on schedule" she smiled
"I thought I made it clear how I felt about that damn thing"
"You did, but that's your opinion and I'm intitled to my own"
Beth went and sat on the chair giving me that look and I knew what was coming,
"Y/n can you maybe give us just... A little while alone?" I asked her she nodded and took her bag I assume to pop to the shop and back
"I'll grab us something for dinner" she smiled
"Okay, just ten minutes okay pumpkin?"
"Okay" she nods before heading out the moment I shut the door it started
"You fucking pirate bastard"
"What! What did I do?"
"I specifically said not to go near her, not to have anything to do with her and that damn machine!"
"And who the hell put you in charge beth! I like her idea, it's interesting, it's the future you can huddle in the dark ages of you want beth but I don't want to"
"Dark ages! I was the first female grandmaster! I brought chess more into the future then anyone"
"But your still held back by it, you couldn't just be great you had to be the best, you could just be a grandmaster you had to be the first woman, sometimes beth it's not about you!" I yelled "sometimes it's about everything, the future is technology, one day you'll play again ivy and you know what. She'll beat you"
"Stop talking like it's real! It's a machine! It's a bunch of wires and cogs it's not real! There is no ivy it's just a computer!"
"What do you care! Really beth why do you care! Chess could become accessable for more people, for more possibilities in the future, if a chess machine is smart enough to beat Me, beat borgov, beat you, think how smart it would be, it to take us to the moon to built cities there, it could solve global crissis, we could teach kids from as young as three how to play computer chess, you could play a vegas tornamnet from your living room in kentucky? Don't you see how amazing that could be?"
"Why do you want it? You never cared about the future, about people, about anything but yourself and chess why do not you suddenly give so much of a shit! Do you just want your name on it because you worked out you where too shit and chess to be remembered for that! Or are you just stringing her along?"
"You wanna talk about stringing along! Do you! You strung me along for fucking three years beth! All I ever was to you was a set of hands to play chess with and a cock to jump on, you didn't give a single shit about me! I rang you nearly everyday half the time you never even picked up, and when you did I tried. I admit I'm not the greatest socially but I fucking tried, all you ever wanted was chess, I told you I missed you, nothing, I offered you open arms after paris nothing, you came after moscow but only to rub it it my face and use me like a sex toy! I always knew you where better then me but you didn't have to treat me like a fucking whore you fucked when you got bored!" I yelled but I pulled myself back "I loved you beth. I really fucking loved you, I adored you. But... You gave me nothing, for three years. But chess talk and sex. I was nothing to you. Your rather be drink then be with me, so fine go. But don't come back here sour faced stomping your foot because I found someone who does make me happy"
"So that's why your going along with it, your fucking her. Your not interested in the machine, in the history or anything you just wanna fuck her?"
"No I don't!"
"Don't you!"
"Yeah because it fucking looks like it!"
"No we haven't had sex!" I yelled "ask her if you want, I haven't had sex with her, not once. And you know what I'm not sure I want to, sex never was fun for me anyway. I love that girl, more then anything, and unlike you. She gives a shit about me. She loves me as much as I love her, I adore her and she adores me too, hell if I had the money I'd probably marry her! And I believe in her and what she's trying to do, and together weather you like it or not we are going to make ivy work."
"I told you nowone else in the chess world will support it even he chess federation wouldn't fund her and they'll find anything, even your shitty book!"
"And who made you the queen of chess! You don't have the right to order anyone around or force people to stay away if they want to support us they can, it's not up to you beth. You might be a grandmaster, you might be the first woman grandmaster, but your not the queen of chess. It's not nineteen sixty nine anymore so get over it. If you don't wanna help, we don't want your help, and I don't want you coming around voicing these options to y/n while she's working, and I especially don't want you here if all you want is chess and sex. I can't do that anymore beth"
"Fine. Then your fucking dead to me" she answered getting her things and leaving in a huff, it was then I saw y/n had come back, she out her jacket away and shut the door after beth she went to the kitchen putting a bag down on the counter barely looking at me
"How much of that did you hear?" I asked her
"Lots, it was.... Very loud" she answered
"Sorry, had uhhhh had alot of that building for a while" I admit coming to help her with the shopping
"I can tell, I've never heard you like that before" she giggled "Benny?"
"You frightened me"
"Frightened you?"
"Ummmm. Your normally so calm so collected I.... I never imagined seeing you so angry. It frightened me"
"Ohhh y/n" I cooed giving her a tight hug letting her rest on my chest "I'm sorry pumpkin, you know I wasn't angry at you right? I just had alot of stuff to get out. But I'm fine now really I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I got it out my system and I feel great, I think I should have told her some of that a long time ago"
"Ummmm, I could hear you half way down the street or was terrifying" she giggled continuing with the shopping
"So I take it you heard... Most all of it then"
"Almost all of it" she giggled "did you mean what you said?"
"Every word of it pumpkin" I smiled cuddling her from behind as she worked "if I had the money, I probably would marry you, well give it a little while haven't really know you that long, but I really do love you, I adore you y/n, you just... You make me so happy, even when I see you I felt all bubbly and full of butterflies, and I care about you, more then anything, and your the sweetest little thing in the world to me, I really do love you y/n. And if someday not to far in the future you wanted to marry me? It would make me, the happiest man in the world"
"Your sweet Benny, I would like too just a little while away maybe once Ivy's working"
"Okay, once Ivy's working"

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