Chapter five, Flight

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°°°Your pov°°°
You were wandering around the streets when you heared Bucky's footsteps coming towards you. He was still about 200 feet away. When he caught up with you he sighed and nudged your side. 'Hii' you let out smiling bright. He smiled at your excitement. Suddenly you thoughts trailed off and something popped up in your mind. 'You haven't packed your bag.' You let out. He nod his head and said, 'We should probably go and do that.' He held out his hand and you grabbed it. As you were walking towards the motorcycle he asked you something. 'Where is that dress you liked?' You held back your laugh and answered him with a straight face.'Oh I didn't like it after all' you lied. He nod his head and looked up, catching a glimpse of the blue sky. It was a very warm winter day. Suddenly he looked at you and shook his head in disblief, 'You never saw a dress you liked, did you?' 'Nope' You said popping the 'p' at the end with giggle. He laughed at your lie from earlier. 'Sorry' You said with puppy dog eyes. 'All is forgiven' He said warmly.

Bucky drove the both of you to his apartment. He opened the door and you could see a medium sized space with little decoration and no pictures. Your house was filled with them. He gestured you to come in so you did. He opened a closet and took out a bag. He then walked to his room and came back with some clothes.

You spotted a blanket and pillow lying on the floor. 'Do you like sleeping on the floor?' You asked him. Since you are a werewolf you like to sleep on the floor sometimes. When you were little you always tried to replicate a wolf den. That's where the love of sleeping on a harder surface comes from. It's like it has always been in your DNA.

He laughed at your comment' 'No, why would I like that?'. You heared his heart jump slightly. A lie. 'I don't know,' you started, 'Maybe because of the pillow and blanket in the corner?' He zipped his bag shut and looked at the blanket. 'I don't always like my soft bed.' He sighed.

You smiled at him and answered 'I loved sleeping on the floor when I was a kid and sometimes I still do it.' 'Really?' He asked. You nod your head and he shook his. 'I feel like you are fooling me.' 'I'm not kidding. When I was little I slept on the floor a lot. My mother didn't like the fact I did it but I loved it!' You exclaimed.

He laughed at your excitement and then walked towards the fridge. 'You want anything to drink?' He asked while opening it. 'Just some water is fine', you smiled. 'Please sit down' He gestured for you to sit on his couch. You sat down and he handed you a glass of water. 'Thank you' You smiled before taking a big sip. The both of you talked for a long time. Just unimportant stuff. Eventually you watched a movie together.

You woke up when you felt like you were being carried. You slightly opend your eyes and saw Bucky carrying you. Knowing it was just Bucky and being to tired to fight your sleep any further, you closed your eyes again. You suddenly felt a soft surface and a blanket covering your body. Without giving it any thought you snuggled into the sheets, drifting off again.

°°°Bucky pov°°°
She passed out halfway through the movie. I didn't want to wake her up so I decided to carry her to bed. I scooped her from the couch and put her down on my bed. I took off her shoes, which wasn't easy, put the covers over her, left the room and closed the door. I drank another glass of water and then laid down down on my little blanket. I thought about the amazing evening I had. I also thought about the adventure we're going on tomorrow. I fell asleep a few minutes after I laid down.

°°°Your pov°°°
When you opened your eyes you jumped up, not recognising the room you're in. You relaxed when you could smell the bacon and eggs but more importantly you could here Bucky walking around in the kitchen. As you were about to step out of bed the door opened. Bucky walked in tiptoeing. 'Y/N, Wake up' he whispered. You closed your eyes again, pretending to be asleep. He stood there for a second and then walked closer. 'Y/N' He whispered a little louder. He waited a little longer before sitting on the other side of the bed. 'Y/N?' He repeated. You could barely hold in your laugh. 'Y/N' He said while shaking your shoulder.

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