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In our everyday living,we encounter different kinds of problems and situations that makes either beautiful memories or even not.

In my own journey,as a young people,I encountered so many youngsters just like me who encountered a problem that is bigger than mine. Sometimes, I thought that the world already turned upside down but,for the other people,it's just a piece of cake. I admit that I am really inspired when I saw other people standing with their own feet and when they can fight their problems silently.
They win secretly against their silent battles.

¹"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

God is really faithful for those who knows how to admit their mistakes and be humble in presenting theirselves in front of Him. Look,He never leave us behind the great storms of our life,yet,He rescued us.

We committed a mistake,we admitted it,we are forgiven,and finally,He granted us freedom- He released us from our burdens.

²"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Our loving God provided us the freedom that we need. Freedom for everything- to enjoy life,cherish the moments,laugh, smile,cry,share positive vibes, suppression of everyone's feelings,etc.

According to the heart of the bible,

³"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not be perished but have an everlasting life in heaven".

Many of us has a healthy social life especially those people who spends a lot of time surfing into the internet and its different websites. Those unbelievers therefore conclude that using "John 3:16" as your characters definition is like your dating with John and something more romantic like that,but,it's not.

This verse is all about "love". The most highest form of love. It's the unconditional love. God doesn't expect us to return that kind of love that He has given to us.
It's between you and yourself only. It's your choice of you wanted to follow Him or not,but, expect mountains of struggles. It may be not now,where you are living in peace and wealth- it's your afterlife. Are you really secured that there's no heaven and hell? Are you not scared of dying? Death is unpredictable my dear brothers and sisters.

My dearest fellow youths,check your heart. Does it only beats when you saw your crush or love? Check your heart if you are heading into the right path. Now that you have been released from that kind of pain,return to the One Great God. Ask Him to redirect your paths if you are not heading into it. Don't be afraid. He is always with you. Just let go,and let God.

I hope that you will open your heart and mind as you read every chapters of this book.

5Let Go

Young & Free

I close my eyes and colours fly
There's no hiding from Your grace
I can't deny Your heart for mine
And its unrelenting chase

I was on the edge of deception
Caught up in my own hesitation
Until Your love took over me

So I let go and I let love
Show me life like it's supposed to be
An oasis here awaits us
All the freedom I'll ever need

Now I'm alive
Oh la la Oh la la
When I let go then I find life
Oh la la Oh la la
La la la la la

The higher way is calling me
To a life unlike before
The Father's heart is beckoning
And I can't resist no more

Lead me in the ways of devotion
I don't want to get caught in the motions
My heart is only for You Lord

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