storytime #1 (LOTF)

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ok so theres this story that I wrote with my friends when I first learnt about lotf (about two-three years ago)

(it was actually just me and I forced them into being a part of it tbh)


basically the unpublished fan fiction is just my group (of friends) stuck on the island with the boys, but lets be honest, it was just a way for me to express my undying love for mr merridew full of cringy quotes and gooey fluff moments between me and jack, and it's actually so embarrassing, and makes me want to cry. 

but apart from the obvious obsession that was brewing ...

I was all like 'haha we should show it to our teacher' even though if I had, (thank god I had some slight ounce of common sense) I probably would have been kicked out of my class or she would have discontinued the learning of thy novel.

maybe both 😋  

anyways, after discontinuing my writing of the THIRTEEN PAGE (with basically no paragraphs) fan fiction I just decided to verbally annoy my english class by quoting jack and roger and and physically convulsing when they (or any other character) were mentioned and when we watched the movie.

As a result of my destructive fixation-

I (and everyone else) have now been banned from mentioning them in class, I am interrupted with an in-union 'NO' when I even start a name that starts with the letter Ja, Si, or Ro or mention an idea involving them, have been threatened by my friend that she will go back in time to murder william golding just so he doesn't make the book, and, to top it all off, my english teacher has sworn to never teach lord of the flies again. 

so yeah, that's the story of how I came into this intense obsession of lord of the flies.

i've gotten better than 13 year old me at concealing my love for this I swear.

thanks for reading stay tuned for more stories about crazy 13-year-old me


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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