✨Adventure x Blackberry🌺

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"Wherever you go, I must follow. Our families have been intertwined since we were young," Blackberry said calmly.

"Is that how you see our relationship?! Just a servant and the cookie they serve?" Adventure said.

Blackberry was quiet for a moment.
During this entire thing, her face had not changed from that stoical expression.

"Do you?!" Adventure asked again.

His voice echoed in the cave.

"I am... sorry," Blackberry said.

There was a moment of hesitation before she said sorry.
Adventure stared at her.

It was quiet between them
The sound of the waterfall filled the silence.

Adventure turned to walk away.

As he took a step, a cracking noise was heard by Blackberry.

Adventure didn't hear it, but Blackberry did.

"Adventure Cookie!-" Blackberry started.

"What is it? Why are you calling me by my name for once?" Adventure said.

More cracks began to form under his feet.
Blackberry had to do something....

"Adventure, please! Listen to me!" Blackberry started again.

"Are you going to claim that this cave is unsafe? Don't stop me from exploring! If it's so dangerous, you can go home-" Adventure started.

It was too dangerous for Adventure to stand where he was standing.

The two of them had spent too much time in the cave.
Their breathing carbon dioxide had damaged the fragile walls of the cave.

Blackberry rushed forth.
She jumped over the cliff and grabbed Adventure sharply.

Only then did Adventure realize that the cave was beginning to cave in on them.

Blackberry picked him up like he weighed nothing and tried to jump over the cliff again.

She failed and missed the edge.

The two began to fall.

Blackberry shrieked loudly.
This was the first time Adventure saw her express emotion.

Adventure forced his rope out of his belt.
He threw it around a stalagmite and used it to propel themselves into the waterfall.

Blackberry screamed even louder.
Adventure held his breath.

What Blackberry didn't know was that there was a cove behind the waterfall.

There was a mini cave behind the waterfall.

Adventure cookie had perhaps made one of the luckiest guesses in his life.

Blackberry landed roughly.
She flung Adventure into a wall and rolled on the ground.

Adventure hit the wall and flopped on the ground.
The two of them were doused with water.

Blackberry slowly got up.
She winced in pain.

"That was quite reckless of you," Blackberry commented.

Adventure smiled.

"It was fun for me. Are you okay?" Adventure asked.

Blackberry tried to get up again, except this time, she did not use her hands.
She got up.

"Yes," Blackberry lied.

"Well, I don't think so, so..." Adventure started.

Adventure got up and picked up Blackberry.

"There is no need for this; I can walk," Blackberry said.

Blackberry had returned to her calm expression.

"I feel there's a need. You're hurt!" Adventure said.

"As you wish..." Blackberry sighed.

Adventure began to walk in the direction the cave took him in.
He moved away from the waterfall.

It was quiet between them.
Occasionally, they may hear the squeak of a bat, or some other critter.

Blackberry laid in his arms and closed her eyes.
Adventure smiled.

"Are you going to sleep?" Adventure asked.

Blackberry looked at him.

"No, not now." Blackberry replied.

"What, are you tired from showing too much emotion?" Adventure joked.

"Hm..." Blackberry murmured.

She smiled faintly and let out a small, quiet laugh.

Adventure didn't expect that and laughed a little in return.

Adventure continued to walk.
He began to notice a light at the end of the tunnel.

"We're getting close to the surface! Finally!" Adventure spoke up happily.

"We are?" Blackberry asked.

She shifted upward and looked.

Adventure was right.
The more he walked, the more Blackberry could make out the details.

They seemed closer to the outskirts of the Cookie Kingdom now.
Blackberry could see a few, spread out houses.

"What do you see?" Adventure asked.

"I see the outskirts of the Cookie Kingdom. We might be close to Carrot Cookie's farm... Did you forget to put in your contact lenses?" Blackberry asked.

"What? No!" Adventure denied.

"If you did have them in, you could see the houses better," Blackberry said.

Adventure could hear a note of amusement in her voice.

"It's fine!" Adventure shrugged.

Adventure walked out of the cave.
Blackberry was looking around.

Adventure put Blackberry on her feet.
She stood.

"I injured my wrist," Blackberry said.

"We'll deal with that at home. You can walk, right?" Adventure asked.

"Yes, I can..." Blackberry nodded.

They began to walk.

"It was nice being carried by you, admittedly," Blackberry said.

"I knew it! You liked it! If you didn't, you'd probably use one of your ghost-things to get yourself out!" Adventure exclaimed.

"Well, you can't blame me..." Blackberry said.

"I would never," Adventure said.

1245 words!

Cookie run One shots!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat