Chapter 5:

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(Note: HoloLore here might not be accurate. Please forgive me...)

You woke once more to the sounds of the birds singing. Though the landscape outside your window was peaceful, your thoughts were anything but. You couldn't help but think of Subaru. Had she really gone to the hospital after that idol meeting? You got out of bed and began to make yourself a breakfast, intending to stream today, but your concern got the better of you, and you decided to take a jaunt down to the building to check on her.

Not half an hour later, you'd finished eating breakfast, taking a shower, and dressing up. You walked at a brisk pace, trying to play off your concern as best as you could on the way but utterly failing every time you thought you got close.

After what seemed like forever, you arrived once more in front of the glass walls of the Cover Corp HQ. You stepped through the glass doors, only seeing a woman with blue hair and a "Hololive" shirt at the desk. The concierge, you assumed. You stepped in front of the desk, and the woman looked up.

A-Chan: Hello. Nice to meet you. My name's A-Chan.

Y/N: Hi! I'm Y/N, and-

A-Chan: Y-Y/N?!

She took a moment to recompose herself, then turned back towards you.

A-Chan: How can I help?

Y/N: I'm just here to check on Subaru. She got a cut yesterday from two thugs and I wanted to make sure that she's alright.

A-Chan: Ah, okay. She's just up the stairs, resting in the office. Yagoo wouldn't let her stream because of the cut and I think seeing you would help alleviate some of her boredom.

Y/N: Alright, thanks!

As soon as you were out of earshot, A-Chan placed her head on the desk.

A-Chan: Phew, that's done. The rumors are true: his presence is a little commanding!

Meanwhile, you made your way up the stairs, hearing lots of chatter coming from the office room. Perhaps a couple of the other talents went to check on Subaru after her little run-in with those audacious thugs.

You opened the office door and almost immediately felt everyone's eyes on you. The chatter died down.

Y/N: H-hi! I'm just here to check on Subaru, seeing as-

Subaru: Y/N!

Y/N: Nevermind!

You turn to where the voice came from, seeing Subaru walking towards you. You readily accepted the hug as she placed her arms around you. Now that your identity was out, however, the other Hololivers seemed starstruck more than puzzled. Gradually, the conversation began to pick back up. The Hololivers each introduced themselves to you, and you were happy to meet each one of them. Suddenly, a voice spoke out behind you.

???: Hey guys! I just dropped by to see how Subaru was doing.

You froze, stiff as a board, and your eyes widened. You thought- but she-

You turned your head as slowly as you could, afraid of what you might see: a ghost, or otherwise. Subaru seemed concerned.

Subaru: Y/N...?

The person who spoke just moments ago finally crossed into your line of sight. Tears welled up in your eyes as you recognized her face.

Y/N: Polka...?

The circus performer turned, and saw you.

Polka: Y/N!

She ran up to you and gave you a big hug! You were full on crying now beneath your shades, and the tears streamed down your face as you accepted the embrace of the little fennec fox.

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