Artistic Liberties-🦋 👑

Start from the beginning

"You wonder why I don't text back, you never listen to me!" Mo shouted, almost feeling a sharp pinch of slat in the last few words. I watched as Mo seated himself against a wooden chair with small paint splashes or different colors, mainly blue and green. It creaked a bit to show how poorly funded this department was, so underfunded that they relied on me and Mo as representatives for the showcase. That thought made me smirk even more.

"The hell you grinning for?" He interrupted, opening his lunch bag which only contained a sandwich and chips.

"No reason in particular lil Mo~. I'm just...excited." I stated, waltzing my way over to him. Squatting down I took a small piece of his sandwich and stuffed it in my mouth. "Let's get to business shall we?" Licking my lips to solidify any mayo left over and to tease the boy, I soon sat on the ground still facing him. "We have to do something show stopping, something that would instantly grab the audience attention."

"Like a paint battle?" Mo suggested, almost muffled from him talking with food in his mouth. Cute. I shook my head and clicked my tongue in playful annoyance.

"You're being bland, we gotta spice things up. Get out hands dirty!" I explained, soon pressed my hands against the boys slightly toned thighs. "Something that is shocking and revolutionary!" I continued.. yet I felt his hands push my face away from him and soon let go.

"It's fucking art. As long as it's visually appealing people would gasp and analyze it for hours." I looked at his fingers, covered in sandwich crumbs and chip-flavored dust, I grabbed one hand and lick it. Of course, Mo yanked his hand away from mine but an idea instantly sparked.

Jumping suddenly as I watched Mo expression shift into confusion I started clapping in excitement.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Mo asked, slowly standing up as he placed his lunch bag on a nearby table. "You licking my finger turned you on?"

"Exactly!" My eyes opened wide as I smiled from ear to ear.

"Excuse me?"

"Erection, the art of the human body. Skin to skin mo!" I scored closer to him in excitement, practically able to ear his breathing from how close I was.

"hell no! H-he tian you have lose your fucking mind!" Mo shouted, shoving me away from him. However, I grabbed his wrists only to pull him close to me. "Let me go He Tian! Enough with your games and get serious!"

"I am serious." I stated, my eyes narrowed while staring deeply into his golden orange eyes. Shifting the weight from me to it being evenly split, I leaned my face closer and continued speaking, "what's more revolutionary than two men collecting photos of the art of the human body, it's reaction to friction, paint, brushes, and skin. How it feels to be connected to another soul!"

"You've lost your mind completely, He Tian! You dickhead, collecting photos of two men seductively touching one another is weird as fuck! Not cause of the seduction but because we. Are. Minors. Not men." Mo exclaimed, removing his wrists from my grip. "Let's talk about this another time He Tian."


Dammit! There's no way he saw me get a boner, right? I have to get out of here before he witnesses. Am I out of my mind? Are we both dumb? No, can't be. Grabbing my empty paper bag for a lunch container, I tried heading straight to the door only to stop at what the devious male voiced.

"You're hard aren't you lil Mo..."

My heart instantly sunk, sweat falling down the side of my face as my fingers crumbled the bag. "Hard? What the hell are you talking about? What do you talk me for?" I stayed facing the door, trying my hardest not to appear nervous.

Mo Guan Shan x He Tian (Short Stories)Where stories live. Discover now